Just posting this astonishing Frankenstein's carpet for your delectation. I can't decide whether to be disappointed or relieved that I didn't have a wider angle lens with me to capture this beast in all its glory.
Competition time: guess in which sort of building I found this marvellous mash-up? I will mail a prize of some sort to everyone who correctly guesses its location and who is also prepared to vouchsafe me their address at a later date by private message or email (note: I reserve the right to partially renege on this if a bazillion anons turn up in the comments, or there is unspecified monstrous cheating ;-P ). ETA: everyone is allowed to change their guess as many times as they like but I'll only accept the final one when I resurface (probably sometime around Full English on Saturday morning), and imagine how silly you'll feel if you change your guess from something sensible such as the tea bar in a futtock shroud factory* to something ridiculous like the tack room of an international showjumping stables. /ETA
Tomorrow I'm going underground for a few days... LITERALLY... so I won't be around, obv. :-)
* Or a factory making puttock jesses.
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