I completed
flaneurs June challenge Lines IIa, follow that railway, in Cheltenham.
After visiting the Gloucestershire and Warwickshire Railway, and travelling as far north as possible on the trains, I realised I could also walk south from Cheltenham Racecourse station to Cheltenham Spa mainline station along the disused trackbed, now a cycle path, that used to connect the railways before the branchline was closed. I found the remains of snail shells dumped by a serial-killing bird, probably a thrush, I saw people playing American football (or rather, to confirm the stereotype, standing around on the pitch, in the middle of a game, talking about playing American football), I saw boring graffitied tags and a few pieces of better work (that still wouldn't pass muster in most cities), I crossed bridges (original railway and new cyclepath), and had a much more pleasant walk through the town than I would on the streets full of cars.
On my way through the streets from Cheltenham Spa station to Cheltenham Racecourse, I noticed a long sturdy red brick wall with tell-tale arches, then opposite I spotted a corner house that looked as if it had previously been an old pub and when I rounded the corner (isn't that a pleasing phrase?) I found a plaque explaining that this area had been extensive wharves and offices and warehouses at the terminus of a horse-drawn freight tramroad called the Gloucester and Cheltenham Railway, which existed from 1809-1861. The next corner had another old ex-pub that had closed more recently and still had some of the external trappings of a classic boozer.
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