Title: Airplanes
Pairing: Demi Lovato/Selena Gomez
Rating: K+ or T? I’m not entirely sure...
Disclaimer: I own nothing. The song’s mentioned in here belong to their respective owners (Hollywood Records and etc.). The people are their own person-so I don't own them.
Summary: ‘I want everything to be exactly the way it was.’ She knew that was too much to ask for, but she could really use a wish right now.
A/N: A little something that came out of my head while listening to Airplanes. I know it’s a little vague sounding in the beginning, but it’ll obviously get clearer in the end. A little angsty and such but it’ll happy :) I promise!
As she lies, motionless, on the tarmac, she watches the planes fly overhead. Already counting thirteen planes flying above her, she also notes how it's been the fifteenth time that Stop the World has been playing from her iPhone. She pauses the song right before the bridge, removing her earphones and counting the, now, fifteenth plane to pass above her.
For a moment, she pretends that the airplane was a shooting star and makes a quick, simple wish-I want everything to be exactly the way it was. She knew that was too much to ask for, but she could really use a wish right now.
Can I just pretend that the airplanes in the night sky are like shooting stars? She thinks as she lets out a loud exhale that's drowned out by the sounds of the numerous jet engines. Lifting her phone up to still find the same brunette looking back at her, she furrows her brows before randomly changing the song, the voice greeting her was the same as she put back on her earphones.
Did you forget
That I was even alive?
Did you forget
Everything we ever had?
Did you forget
Did you forget
About me?
Slamming her fists down hard onto the asphalt beneath her, she finally sits up and glances down to find that infamous smirk taunting her as her voice sings the words she'd rather say herself.
But somewhere we went wrong
We were once so strong
Our love is like a song
You can't forget it
Her voice is soft and subtle as she watches another plane fly above her, all the while, Demetria Devonne Lovato's voice echoing in her ears.
She wants to stop listening, but it's not that she won't, but because she can't. She hasn’t heard this sweet voice sing that cold melody in a long, long time that she just wants to lose herself in it. Even so much as being a complete masochist about the matter.
When she hears the electric guitar solo, her head lowers, shoulders slump and she waits for the bridge to ring out in her ears.
Somewhere we went wrong
We were once so strong
Our love is like a song
You can't forget it at all
A bright light catches her off guard, but she doesn’t flinch nor does she move anymore. She just lies back down instead, curling up into a ball. If this is the end, she thinks, at least she would be the last thing I hear, those are her bittersweet words as the light grows brighter behind her eyes.
She relates the brightness to that akin to the light at the end of a tunnel. This is it. When she hears her name being called out though, she just sighs, moving to make the volume on her phone louder. She stops mid-motion though, when she recognizes the voice that's so desperately trying to get her attention. It's the voice that's currently singing in her ears.
“Selena!” Quickly, the light disappeared just as fast as it had appeared, and Selena was left in nothing but pitch black darkness-and Demi's voice calling out to her. It’s all in my head. She’s not really here. She’s not. Selena chanted over and over in her mind, suddenly registering the loud sound of jet plan engines almost within ear shot of her current position. Oh crap, a plane, she thinks as she finally realizes that throughout her wander around the airfield, she had walked right into the middle of a runway.
“SELENA!” suddenly she felt two arms wrap themselves around her before the rolled away, thanks to the force Demi had used to lunge at the girl. When she feels grass under her fingertips, sees the dark night sky, and feels the weight of Demi's body on her, she knows she's safe.
“Demi,” her voice cracks, and her breath catches in her throat when she sees the singer’s misty eyes.
“You're an idiot,” Demi's voice is barely above a whisper, but she hears it since her earphones had been removed and are now lying on the ground, “but you're my idiot. And don't you go leaving me again.” the raven haired girl buries her head in the younger girls neck, hot tears sliding down her cheeks.
Selena's silent and unresponsive for a while, before she wraps her arms around Demi and nuzzles her face in the other girl’s dark locks. If this is some dream, I don't wanna wake up, she thinks as she wraps her arms tight around the singer.
“Dork.” She hears a laugh escape the younger girl’s lips, before Demi gets up and hovers over Selena.
“I love you.”
“Yeah... you too.” Selena's response wasn’t something that Demi was hoping for. So she sits up and pulls Selena up as well and takes her hand in hers.
“Let me say this again, I love you, doofus.” That's when Demi leans in, tentative but not unwelcome. The kiss was short and sweet, it was quick but enough to show the other how they were feeling. Once they pulled apart, Selena had never felt any happier. She didn't know how Demi had known she was there, but she didn't care. She was just happy to be back in her arms.
“I love you too.”
A/N: I didn't really like the end but I just didn't know what to do with it anymore. Oh well, hope you guys liked it :]