Who: Luke fon Fabre
replicamodel and Guy Cecil
jewelofgardiosWhat: Guy goes out to find Luke
Where: Near the warehouses
When: After Luke's arrival in the city.
Rating: PG
Open: Nope
It was dark out, and that made Luke uneasy. If there were any lights in this place, they were doing a damn poor job of giving him anything to see by. As the blackness seemed to press on him, the young redhead leaned up against the wall of warehouse 15 and crossed his arms. Luke wasn't fond of the dark, he never had been. Was it because he was still so young, in reality? Who knew?
All he did know was that he was extremely grateful that Guy was coming to find him. Alone in a strange city with no friends was not Luke's idea of a roaring good time. He drew in upon himself as he heard scuffling in the alleyway next to him. "Just a rat or something," he told himself.
But that didn't stop him from asking the night in a shaky voice, "Guy... hurry up, would ya?"