Who: Suigintou and someone random! 8D
What: Flying into the city
Where: Somewhere within the city
When: Now 8D
Rating: G, I guess XD
Open: Yes, yes, yes~
Soft footsteps landed on the solid ground of a wide street and the rustle of feathers and cloth were heard. Behind the figure not taller than a toddler, a gate of light closed. She stepped forward, glass eyes of clear amethyst hue scanning the area, taking into note how it was dim, foggy and deserted. To Suigintou, the place was unfamiliar although very similar to other areas she had explored in the N-Field. With great black wings extending, she lifted her hollow resin body to the sky with a single strong flap of them. Indeed, the city was as she expected, very much like the other places in the N-Field but with the exception that nothing here seemed broken.
Perching on a nearby rooftop and minimizing her wings, she noticed what seemed to be humans below.
"Human life in this place of the N-Field?" She said to herself, her voice low, "It's a rather uncanny thing. Perhaps I should go down to take a look."
With that, she took to the skies again with her great wings, landing in front of the human with the light click of heeled boots on pavement.