Mar 25, 2008 17:23
I think part of the problem of people hating the idea of defining Polyamory is based on the desire not to exclude people who might not fit within it.
Frankly that's crap.
Some people aren't Poly no matter how much they want to say they are.
If you are looking for a sex toy for your partner and yourself to share, that has no real say in the relationship but is rather just a toy to be passed around. You *might* be poly, but that's not a poly relationship you are looking for.
Swingers who practice more or less anonymous swinging... they are NOT poly by that act either.
Poylamory has been defined... like it or not it's in the lexicon of the English Language defined.
And that definition while broad, and generally a poor one because it uses a word that people regularly refuse to define, it does not really in the spirit of the word include purely sexual relationships.
Also I think too many poly people want to be special snowflakes, different in some way from the rest of the poly folk... so not defining Polyamory (even though the word is self defining through it's root words) is more an act of vanity.
Just wanted to get that one out there when I thought of it, while I still had internet regularly.