Delirium (Gundam Wing, Quatre/Trowa, straight!Duo, R) 2/?

May 03, 2006 20:34

Title: Delirium
Author: Spinny Roses
Fandom: Gundam Wing
Rating: R
Warnings: Yaoi (Quatre/Trowa), supernatural, OC you love to hate
Spoilers: Up before they go back into space
Disclaimer: Don't own

By Spinny Roses

Chapter 2

One week's detention. That was all well and fine for Quatre, who was already packed and ready to rejoin the Magnuacs, but I would have to put up with cleaning the cafeteria and scrubbing the graffiti off the bathroom walls for a few days. Damn it, could we leave at the same time? Avoiding suspicion, my ass.

Quatre sat down on his stripped bed, and I followed suit on his roommate's bed. Technically, we all have roomies. In real life, Quatre hasn't seen his roomie outside of classes since we started here. We think he slept in the bathrooms so he didn't annoy anyone with rum-scented vomit.

"So, are you going to explain to me what the hell happened today?"

Quatre looked down at his hands. "That was... the reason why I didn't want Rie to know. Duo, you must have felt it! Some people feel different, right? Not human?"

Eh? "Yeah, but that's usually 'cause they're sadistic bastards that take delight in hurting you."

He shook his head. "No, Duo, we..." Quatre let out an explosive sigh. "Am I a sadistic bastard?"

I blinked, confused. "Hell no, but what does that have to do with anything?"

"Haven't you felt that I'm not human?"

I laughed, trying to burn off the uncomfortable budding realization. "Quatre, man, none of the pilots feel human. We're just kids, and look at what we're doing. Could a normal human kid do that?"

"No, not that!" Damn, but Quatre was serious about this. "Do I feel like Heero or Trowa or..."

"... no," I eventually admitted. "But isn't it impossible? Witches and... and that?"

"No, Duo," he said, quietly. "We're real. Look, don't try anything. You could seriously hurt..."

Quatre was cut off by a very loud, very familiar, very unwelcome sound. As if we were pulled by the same strings, we rushed to the window and glanced out. Dying sunlight glinted off incoming Aries and Leos, and rows of soldiers marched past the school.

"Fuck." I blinked, looking over at Quatre as the sound of our combined cussing died. "Dude, I didn't know you knew that word."

He blushed deeply.


We managed to send off e-mails to our mad scientists, and wonders of all wonders, received an message from Heero and Trowa. Quatre wouldn't let me read his, which made me chuckle. It was so cute how he thought we didn't know the two of them made with the horizontal bunny dance already.

Shit. If this bullshit was real, then wasn't Quatre involved with a human? What the fuck was Quatre, anyway? And what the hell am I doing, getting sucked into this insanity?

Arg! And the worst part was that if the Ozzies didn't move out soon, we were going to have to serve our entire detention term! There was no way we were going to be able to get to our Gundams with all these soldiers running about.

Quatre finally stashed his duffle bag away and sat back down. "Duo..."

"Am I going to get more supernatural bullshit?"

"It's not bullshit," he insisted heatedly. "Duo, look, you managed to heal your own wrist. You don't know any spells and I doubt you're an untrained healing witch, so the only explanation is that you used me."

"... bwah?"

It was going to be a long night.

The general gist, without interruptions and derisive snorts:

Witches, vamps, and weres exist. Back in the 20th century, there was this craze of calling people that fed off personal energy "psychic vampires." Truth is, those were witches feeding off humans. They all have specialties, which Quatre didn't know much of because, I quote, "I'm not a witch and most of them look down on leeches," and they can't breed with humans.

Oh, and they can't kill a human by feeding. Once they drain the human enough to passing out, they can't eat any more. Weird-ass shit like that.

"We have a Law," Quatre said around a yawn. It was getting pretty late, what, for a non-mission night. "Witches cannot kill, vampires may kill, and weres must kill."

"And which are you?" I shot back. I kept asking him this over the last few hours, and he would dodge the subject worthy of Shinigami.

He fidgeted, realizing he didn't have an out this time. "Trowa and I..."

"Quatre, what does that have to do with anything?"

"Just hear me out! Look... I... it's not really... when vampires feed we pump you with a lot of pheromones and adrenaline, so it feels really good. We can get away with eating iron-rich foods, but barring that, we have to drink blood. Trowa knows this and he's okay with it!"

I just gaped at him. "You're a vampire? Little innocent Quatre Raberba Winner, who nearly passed out when Heero self-destructed, drinks blood?!" I said all of that aloud, didn't I?

"I'm the same height as you, and a pilot, so who are you calling 'little' and 'innocent'?"

"But you drink blood," I pointed out. Yeah, I was still hung up on that.

He blushed, folding in on himself. "It had been a long month, and iron-rich foods were rare. And he was interested. I don't like blood. It tastes weird."

"... okay, Quatre. The proper procedure is 'puff puff give.' Where's the giving?"

Quatre blinked, not processing that. "Huh?"

"Nothing." Damn, and I was looking forward to whatever he was smoking to create this shit. "And I take it I'm supposed to be a witch?"

"Well..." Quatre frowned, thinking. "That's what you'd be under, I think. Except I've never seen a witch able to drain other supernaturals like that. I mean... you should still have a burned wrist. But you took my energy and you started moving like me... and you healed like me. That shouldn't be possible."

"You're telling me," I grumbled. "Quatre, you sure your scientist didn't hook you up with some really nice drugs?"


I held up my hands. "Kidding, kidding."


"There's probably one good thing about this," Quatre whispered to me as we walked down the streets. We had a mutual food craving, and I wasn't about to ask what kind of craving Quatre had, so we made a few minor adjustments to our appearances and went out. I was pretty sure that other than Heero, who had been captured that one time and, of course, the self-destruction of his Gundam, they didn't know what the other pilots looked like, but we still couldn't take chances.

"And what's that?" I whispered back, trying to ignore the Ozzies coming down the sidewalk at a fast march.

"The person that killed Rie's sister probably won't hit while they're in town, so we're probably safe."

I shrugged. Quatre still hadn't proven his vampire-ness and we couldn't recreate what happened in the fight. And the passing fleet was really bugging me, like a weird feeling going down my spine. "It doesn't matter much, we're not..." I stopped, turning my head. I smelled something... felt something... saw something. I don't know what.

And I met the cold eyes of one Lady Une. Shit. She shouldn't know my face, she shouldn't know who I am... Why was she still staring at me? Finally, she shook her head, and continued marching ahead.

"Quatre?" My voice wasn't shaking, nope.



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