Delirium (Gundam Wing, Quatre/Trowa, straight!Duo, R) 1/?

May 03, 2006 11:07

Title: Delirium
Author: Spinny Roses
Fandom: Gundam Wing
Rating: R
Warnings: Yaoi (Quatre/Trowa), supernatural, OC you love to hate
Spoilers: Up before they go back into space
Disclaimer: Don't own

Chapter 1

The day really did start off normal. Quatre was going to leave school soon and I already had an excuse for transferring. And who knows where Trowa and Heero were. After Mr. Spandex self-destructed, Heavyarms ran off with the half-alive boy and we haven't seen the two since. Quatre assures me that he's alive, and I guess that's the best I'm gonna get.

And no, I don't know where Wufei was. Somewhere, alive and probably complaining up a storm.

We were going back to Arabia. Apparently the Magnuacs had a lot of bases there, and they threw less of a temper tantrum if we stayed there between missions. Yeah, the idea of finding sand in weird places really appealed to me, mmhmm.

I stretched in bed, enjoying one of my last days in a real bed. Except now I had to get coffee. And food. Yeah, that would be nice. Really nice.

After the prerequisite scratching and hogging of bathroom to annoy the roommate, I headed down to the cafeteria. It was a special dance: Dodge over-muscular jock here, duck under wildly gesturing girl here, and finally, stop right before I'm run over by a small Japanese girl with a really bad attitude.

No, I don't know what bug rammed itself up her ass or why she had it out for me in particular. I don't even know her name, which is pretty pathetic. But we don't even have classes together. She would come in, buy her broth, glare at me, and leave. Without exception.

Well, one exception. Instead of leaving, she continued to glare at me. When Quatre joined me, it only got worse. She actually turned her head and sniffed. I haven't even seen Relena act this way. This was a spoiled princess, in the worse way. But she actually walked over today, so stiff I wondered how she walked with that stick in her ass.

Quatre tensed up. He tried not to show it, but... weird. Did he know her? We both looked up as she yanked a chair back and plopped herself into the seat. She went through the whole dramatic bit, tossing her braids over her shoulder, playing with her soup, and looking down her nose at us.

I was going to break the fork if this went any further. "Is something wrong, miss?"

"Her name is Rie," Quatre interrupted in a dark tone, giving her a meaningful look. Oh... kay. What the hell is going on between those two? "Miss Rie," he continued, looking pissed off, "I cannot see a reason why you are here, or why you have such hatred for myself and Duo."

She sneered. She actually sneered. I didn't want to hit girls, but damn she was making it hard.

"I have my own reasons," she finally said, her voice low. She would have had a nice speaking voice if she didn't insist on being so fucking snotty. "And you are quite aware of them."

"Wouldn't that be racism?" Quatre spat back, heatedly.

"Not if it's true, leech."

Quatre's eyes flicked over to me... afraid? Okay, this was too confusing. At least they weren't catching the attention of the rest of the cafeteria. "Not in front of him."

"He is a part of this, and of mine," she hissed. Yes, hissed. I was liking her less and less. "And if he doesn't know, he's a liability."

Yeah, I was probably going to beat this out of Quatre when this was all over. Not only how he knew such a bitch, but also what the hell she meant by all this. I stood suddenly, not wanting to hear more cryptic bullshit being tossed around. "Well, it was nice to meet you, Rie," I chirped, making sure to go heavy on the sarcasm. "But I have to get to class."

Rie reached out, grabbing my wrist. While she wasn't particularly strong, her touch burned. And now everyone was staring at us. Must have been the yelp I let out at the sizzling sound and smell of burning flesh.

I was not kidding. I had fucking burns thanks to her touch. Quatre moved faster than I thought he would, and pulled me closer to him. Which, of course, meant the bitch was pulled closer and toppled off balance.

It was really funny watching her fall flat on her face. Or it would have been if I wasn't looking down at burn blisters. Fucking hell, that hurt! And, you know, completely impossible.

"I don't care if you insult me or threaten me, but you are not hurting him."

Aww, how sweet. I might have to hurl.

Rie stood, slowly. "I need your help."

"Really? Was that before or after you decided to burn the shit out of me?" I don't really run my thoughts through a filter first. Maybe I should start.

Quatre's jaw jumped, then he grabbed her arm and actually started hauling her out of the cafeteria. And after I scraped my own jaw off the ground, I followed them. The burn could wait.

I knew it, you have to watch out for the quiet ones.


"Quatre, man, what's going on?"

He ignored me, still gripping Rie's arm firmly.

"Come on, what is it?"

"Let go of my arm, you damn leech!" Rie snapped at him. "You're going to break it." She tried to yank it out of his grasp and, of course, failed. All the Gundam pilots had to be stronger than they looked, even Quatre. "Look, I don't see why it's bad to tell him."

"Then look at him for once!" he snapped at her.

"You know, this cryptic shit it really pissing me off..."

"Don't you understand? My sister is dead, and she was trained in combat. And we're not the only ones!"

Quatre stopped, looking at her. Then at me, then at her. "I'll explain it to him," he said finally, letting her go.

"What?" I winced. Rie could screech. "What does a leech know about our..."

"Hey, miss." I was getting really tired of her. "He's a friend, while I don't even know you. And you're really getting on my nerves. He'll tell me what's going on, and you need to get to class. Okay?"

"Are you sure you're okay with this?" She wasn't even looking at me, but rather through me. "He's not..."

"I'm fine. Go, shoo."

Rie glared at Quatre one last time, then stomped off. "And don't leave anything out!"

Quatre rubbed his forehead, turning back to the dorms. "It's probably better if we talk back at your dorm, Duo. I'm sorry about Rie. Her people often do think they're better than everyone else, but she has taken it to another level."

"Nuh, uh. We talk about it here, Quatre. What's going on?"

"Would you talk about anything where people could hear?" he asked, pointedly.

"Just start talking."

He looked around nervously, then sagged against a wall, looking exhausted. "Duo, you must take what I'm about to say with absolute faith. This is completely true." Quatre looked at me, pleadingly. "There have been a series of murders recently. I discredited them, having nothing to do with OZ, but if what Rie says is true, then we're both in trouble."

"And why is this?" Wrist... owie... I hoped Quatre would speed it up. This fucking hurt.

"Duo, do you trust me?"

I sighed. "Stop with the theatrics, all right?"

"Rie, and her family, are what we call witches."

I blinked. And blinked and blinked. "You mean they study Wicca?" That was the religion that had a sudden revival in the 20th century. Most people called it witchcraft, and many Americans on Earth still studied it. Wicca had something to do with worshiping nature and dancing naked, or at least that's what they thought it meant now. Imagining Rie, stick up her ass and all, dancing naked just about caused me to double over, laughing.

Quatre was having a hard time keeping from laughing himself. "No, and I'd love to see their faces when you say that. No, Duo," he sobered up here, fidgeting, "I mean they aren't human."


"Witches... are a completely different race than humans."

My wrist started a rhythmic throb, kinda similar to hard rock, trying to add credibility to this insanity. "Okay..."

Quatre's lips quirked. It was pretty obvious he knew I didn't believe a word of this. "Witches, vampires, and weres exist, Duo. We're rare, but exist."

"We?" Shit, he wasn't about to...

His eyes went wide, and he slapped a hand over his mouth. "I didn't want to say that right away," he admitted. "Look, Duo... just take my word on it. Supernaturals exist, and according to Rie, we're being hunted."

I just looked at him, imagining little cookoo birds circling his head. "Uh huh."

"You don't believe me."

"Not really."

He sighed, looking completely distraught. "I'm sorry, Duo. I don't really want to... but this is the only way."

And Quatre, fucking Quatre Rabebra Winner, punched me. Geez, and I thought Heero was one strong son of a bitch. I was reeling from that when I barely noticed another punch incoming. I tried to dodge that one but ended up taking it in the stomach. Gasping for breath, I noticed another punch. This one, even though I could barely see straight, I managed to dodge.

It seemed like Quatre was slowing down. Everything started to take on a super-sharp, adrenaline feel. Finally, he stumbled, face white. I grabbed one arm, twisting it behind him. As I drove him to his knees, I shouted down at him, "What is your fucking problem? What is your..."

There was applause. Of course, the fight drew the attention of the student body. Still high on adrenaline, I picked out a few conversations.

"Must be martial artists..."

"... never seen anyone move so quickly!"

"I could barely keep up!"

Quatre looked up at him, sadly. "Do you see?" I started when I realized he was whispering, and I could hear him perfectly. I let him go, everything around me starting to become meaningless whispers.

"Mr. Wells! Mr. Warners! In my office!" Of course, every fight calls the attention of the principal. We were going to get detention, more if I couldn't sweet-talk my way out of it. And that meant nothing to me.

Quatre didn't slow down. I sped up.

And my wrist was fine.

What the fuck?

gundam wing, quatre/trowa, yaoi, delirium, rating: r

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