Almost time to go

Apr 19, 2012 22:49

I'm all packed and ready to go. I'm leaving my apartment in about six hours, and my flight leaves in nine hours. *sigh* It's going to be a long night. I would try to sleep, but I know it will be smarter to just wait and then sleep on the plane.

I'm excited about this trip, like *super* excited, but there are still the anxious thoughts about Rudy and sadness hanging over part of me. I received a package from Rudy today (that he sent two days before we broke up) of Nyquil, and again it made me sad. I don't know how else to feel about it. Of course, I've gone over this breakup over and over in my mind and I know that it had to happen and should've happened long before it did, but it doesn't mean I'm not sad about it still. And not sad that I won't be able to see him at the dances and feel comfortable or even glad to see him.

But we'll see. Seeing him in person is something I haven't done yet since the breakup and it may surprise me, how I feel. I don't know. But I do know I have a few sexy dresses (including my qipao) to wear to the dances and I'm going to be busy looking hot and dancing the night away with friends I've missed dearly, so I'm planning on having the time of my life and if Rudy sees me, he'll just see what he gave up.

I feel proud of myself for doing this. I also feel proud of myself for the packing I've done! I got just about everything packed (well, just haven't packed my laptop, brushes, and pajamas) and it all fit really nicely into my big suitcase. Half of the suitcase is full of gifts I'm going to give away (TONS of different flavors of Oreos for friends to try!) so I'm happy about that - it means that whatever things I pick up in the States to bring back should fit just fine in my suitcase. :)

I was thinking about making nutella cookies tonight, and as good as that sounds, I am not motivated. I want the time to go by faster so it'd be good to have something to do, but I just don't feel like baking, and I need to lose weight anyway. I do need to find *something* to entertain me for a while, though. Hmm... maybe I'll find some TV or a movie to watch.

Next time I update I'll probably be in San Francisco! :)

baking, sadness, travels, boredom, rudy, dancing, packing

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