Something good will come our way

Jan 18, 2012 23:17

Holy crap. I just added up all my receipts from the hospital from when I was so horribly sick last month, and my health insurance is going to owe me 3812 RMB, which equates to about $604.00. That makes me feel better about buying those boots now, and it also motivates me to deal with this claim more quickly, especially when I have bills to pay. I think I'll have my school fax over the claim and the receipts tomorrow... and hopefully I'll get the money in the next couple of weeks.

In the meantime, I still have $298.00 in USD sitting in my Chinese bank account, which is from the last insurance claim that I was awarded. But it's in USD in my Chinese bank account, and is labelled as "remit." I don't know what this means other than the fact that I can't spend the money as it is right now. Anyone know how to deal with this? I'll probably try going to the bank and talking to someone about it to see if they can help me change the money into yuan, but I just hope it doesn't also cost me money. I don't know why my health insurance decided to send me USD, when I live in China and I clearly gave them my Chinese bank account information. I think I'm going to call them tonight to ask them about this and ask if this next claim can be awarded to me in yuan, cos this is just too much of a pain.

In much more exciting news, Rudy will be here in only two days!!! And tomorrow and the next day will be easy work days - the winter courses I'm teaching are super easy and I just have two girls as students in my class (yes, a class size of 2 - heavenly!) who are both really talkative and have strong English skills, so that's been great so far, and it's likely that any or all of the other three classes I have to teach between now and when Rudy gets here (especially the VIP class) will be cancelled because of students spending time with their families for Chinese New Year. I already only have just the one VIP class on Friday, and if she cancels, I have no classes on Friday, so that day I'll only need to plan my classes for Saturday the 28th (the one day I'll be working while Rudy is here.) Yay! I can already feel the holiday spirit. Chinese New Year is pretty sweet, by the way. I kinda wish we celebrated it in the US.

teaching, china, yay, time off, work, confusion, money, rudy, holidays

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