Pretty sure that last one is a bad idea... even though it might actually happen in 2012.

Jan 09, 2012 23:17

In 2012, spinninghead resolves to...
Be nicer to eye_of_ibis.
Ask my boss for a tea.
Lose ten moon phases by March.
Connect with my inner grammar.
Start a yoga fund.
Cut down on my parachuting.

Yeah, I may or may not get to go skydiving this year, but it's not going to happen in China, I don't think. I certainly hope I don't have to cut down my parachuting, though! Perhaps instead of parachuting, though, I could save money to actually *buy* a parachute, as well as skydiving training courses to be able to do it all the time! :)

Oh, and "ask my boss for a tea" sounds so Chinese. :D

skydiving, meme, new year, silly

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