30 Day LJ Meme: Day 17

Aug 15, 2011 19:50

Day 17: a hobby of mine.

So, this is going to be painfully obvious to most of you.

Dancing! Particularly lindy hop and blues.
Here's a video of me in one of my more recent blues competitions I took part in:

image Click to view

I made it into the finals, which is what this is a video of... and I'm in the 2nd couple from the left, in the little black dress and pigtails. :) BTW, yes, I lament the misspelling of "strictly" at the end of the video. :/

I guess technically this could be considered *not* a hobby, since I do get paid to do it half the time (I teach lindy hop every week and I DJ at blues venues sometimes), but I really have very few other "hobbies" that I do regularly.

Day 1: a picture of the city I was born in.
Day 2: a picture of my favorite animal.
Day 3: a YouTube video.
Day 4: a song I want played at my wedding.
Day 5: my ideal future career.
Day 6: my favorite quote.
Day 7: my favorite recipe.
Day 8: a picture of the last place I visited.
Day 9: a photo I took.
Day 10: a silly photo of me.
Day 11: the name of my elementary school.
Day 12: a photo of me taken recently.
Day 13: a list of all the places I’ve lived.
Day 14: my day, in great detail.
Day 15: my favorite American Idol winner.
Day 16: my best friend.
Day 17: a hobby of mine.
Day 18: a place I’ve never visited but want to.
Day 19: the first wedding/funeral I've been to.
Day 20: someone who shares the same birthday as me.
Day 21: a place I see myself in 5 years.
Day 22: my favorite website.
Day 23: my favorite boy name.
Day 24: my favorite athlete from my favorite sport.
Day 25: my guilty food pleasure.
Day 26: my favorite form of exercise.
Day 27: my favorite television program.
Day 28: a picture of what I wore today.
Day 29: something that inspires me.
Day 30: a song I wish I knew the words to.

about me, video, meme, blues dancing, dancing

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