Life is good.

Aug 07, 2011 17:23

What my subject line says. Yeah. I'm pretty damn happy as of late. My job rocks, my boyfriend rocks, dancing rocks, teaching lindy rocks, and I actually have free time now that I'm not a student. I have time to read for pleasure! And draw! And listen to music and get all fangirl-y over a band again!

I was thinking to myself last week, "I'm going to miss this place," while walking around in SF. Then I thought to myself, I'm probably going to be thinking the same exact thing in a year about Shanghai. I hope so. And then I'll come back to SF and be happy to be back because I will have missed it.

I just had a really nice weekend. Rudy came and spent most of it with me here in SF, and we spent most of yesterday just relaxing. Went and saw Captain America (cheesy, but not as bad as Green Lantern), napped, went dancing for a bit, and then today we slept in, went to Farmer's Market, and went out for coffee. He had to be back down in Palo Alto to return his co-worker's rats to him this afternoon (he had been taking care of the rats while the co-worker was out of the country), so I've spent the rest of today chilling, listening to music, drawing, and getting more and more into Company of Thieves, my current favorite band.

Yes, I said "favorite band." That's the first time I've said this about any band since The Benjamin Gate. Well, basically Genevieve sounds almost exactly like Adie, but Company of Thieves plays really good rock music, while Adie went the boring route and started making music that sounds exactly like her husband, Jeremy Camp's music. It's sad... she's really not challenging herself as a singer. Oh, well, I guess she's happy at least, and I found a replacement. :P I'm going to see Company of Thieves this month on the 28th and I'm super excited. I just hope I find someone else to go with, cos I feel awkward going to concerts by myself. I bought an extra ticket, and now I'm looking for someone to give it to.

BTW, here's a video of them in case you're interested:

image Click to view

I am planning on visiting my parents in a couple of weeks, basically right before the Company of Thieves concert. I am going to go down there on Thursday, August 25th, and return on Sunday the 28th to go see Company of Thieves. I'm also going to see my friend Mariel get married on the 27th in Creston, so that'll be awesome. I haven't seen her in a long time, and hopefully I will see some of my other old high school friends there. :)

Gonna go back to drawing now... hoping to finish this drawing finally that I started ages ago!

yay, adie, concerts, relaxation, life, weddings, friends, movies, sleep, artwork, music, my parents, travels, rudy, moving

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