Tomorrow (technically today) I'm treating Rudy and myself to X-Men. I've never seen any of the X-Men movies, and of course this is a travesty to him. I knew he really wanted to go see it so I bought us tickets today. :) I feel like a good girlfriend. He has been being a pretty kickass boyfriend lately, himself, so he does deserve it.
Tomorrow I'm also turning in the stack of graded stuff I have left from the 7th graders. After I turn that in, all I have hanging over my head is my research paper for my methods class (and she said she'd probably turn in our grades before we even have to turn in our final drafts), and a silly assignment to go to a school board meeting and write a page about it. I already had a jam at the 9:20 Special tonight for finishing my teaching credential. :D
This weekend I have my training for my new job. I'm excited but also kind of nervous. I hope I'll learn everything quickly and be good at it so I can teach it well and have fun doing it. In case any of you are unaware, I am going to be a lead instructor for
TechKnowHow Summer Camps this summer. My first week will be at a location that is a super-short walk down the street from my house, so that will be awesome. :) I don't actually start teaching until the week of June 20, though.
Okay, time to sleep. Goodnight!