(no subject)

Jun 18, 2007 13:26

It's crunch time for entering artwork into the fair, and I need to figure something out TODAY.

I've misplaced my kneaded eraser, so finishing the portrait I wanted to enter this year is looking iffy. If I can get to Michaels today and get a new kneaded eraser, I MIGHT be able to finish the portrait tonight and still enter it. However, I'm nervous if I don't finish it, since I don't feel that much of what I have finished is up to the caliber it needs to be to enter and win anything in the Professional category. And I have to enter in the Professional category this year; you're only allowed to enter in the Advanced Amateur category for two years then you have to move up to Professional... and it's only fair, since I have won 1st place for the last two years.

Anywho, I need your opinion! If I don't finish the portrait I would like to finish and enter in the fair, I will most likely enter one of these four drawings:
[Click thumbnails for larger images]

Susan May


Claire Danes

Scarlett Johansson

My friend Juney was encouraging me to enter either the first or the second one pictured here, and I chose the third and fourth as favourites as well. The only difficulty would be if I chose one of the first two portraits you see, I would have to figure out how to put them in proper picture frames - the drawings are cropped, so they aren't of proportions that are usually seen in picture frames.

The majority of my pencil work can be seen here: http://spinninghead.deviantart.com/gallery/traditional/drawings/ and if you see something you like better there, let me know. Julianne Moore, Sandra Bullock and Sarah Brendel can't be entered this year since I've already entered and won with those.

So I present to you this poll:
Poll Art Poll

P.S. I voted, but it was by proxy for my friend David who has no livejournal.

mid-state fair, artwork, poll

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