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Jun 17, 2007 21:57

I have tomorrow and Tuesday completely off! YAY! No work for two days. I haven't had that in awhile. Sure, I had some days off to go to Sacramento, but those were stressful days in which I didn't sleep much or rest much. And I had days off to go to Washington last month, and those were wonderful, but of course still a bit stressful since it was a vacation and alas, they are over. It will be nice to finally sleep in (catch up on sleep!) and just have a day to kick it at home.

I have an in-service training day on Wednesday for summer school training, and then summer school starts on Thursday. Kinda weird, since summer school runs Monday through Thursday... so the kids will have one day of school this week and then a 3-day weekend. Oh well, I'm not complaining. :) I'm looking forward to having Fridays off work! I'll get to go to the Grad and stay out late and not have to worry about getting up early in the morning! Sooooo nice.

At the moment I'm trying to research different universities I may study abroad at, and pick the best one for my interests. I'm wanting to go to either Mexico or Spain, and looking at the following universities:
-Universidad de Valladolid in Spain
-Universidad Iberoamericana in Mexico
-Tecnológico de Monterrey in Mexico
-Universidad Autónoma de Guadalajara in Mexico
I'm gonna try to get my passport soon so I have that out of the way when I apply to study abroad. My GPA is a tiny bit of an issue - the minimum GPA you are supposed to have to do the Study Abroad Program at CSUS is 2.75, and I have a 2.7. I'm not too worried, though - not only can you apply again if you don't get into the program the first time, but also they have made exceptions in the past, and my GPA is only .05 off from where it needs to be. Also, by the time I would be going to Mexico or Spain, hopefully my GPA would have come up a notch or two, since I will have taken more units. I'm excited, though... I really want to go somewhere and get serious about being fluent in Spanish. :)

spanish, line dancing, relaxation, travels, school, time off, work

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