(no subject)

Dec 13, 2006 22:27

Why do slugs have no shells?
By Rosanne Connally

There was once a family of snails, that was quite like any other family of snails. Mama, Papa, Slug and Swirl all lived in a rose garden, happily slithering along and eating leaves.

However, Slug happened to be a very messy snail. Mama and Papa would tell him to clean his cluttered shell, and every day he would put it off, until it was too late, and it was time to go to sleep.

Swirl usually kept her shell pretty tidy. She sometimes had to be reminded to clean it, but she enjoyed having extra space in her shell so she could stretch out.

One day, Slug found some cool rocks he wanted to keep. So he shoved them in his shell with all his other things, hoping they would fit.

But as Slug shoved the rocks into his shell, the shell started to pop right off! Since it was so heavy with all the things he had collected and never cleaned out, it just toppled right off of his little body, leaving Slug shell-less!

He was so embarrassed. He knew he would have to face Mama and Papa, and worst of all, his sister Swirl. He knew she would make fun of him, and he could not get his shell back on.

At dinner time, he had to come and eat with his family. They asked him what happened, and he sheepishly explained.

"That's okay, Slug, we still love you", they responded. He was so relieved. However, he was still sad he would not have a shell to keep things in or hide in anymore.

Ever since then, when snails lose their shells because they don't clean them out often enough, they are given the name "slug", because of poor Slug who tried to shove too many rocks into his shell.

The End!

I don't know what grade I got on it yet, but everyone including my teacher seemed to like it. :) I'll find out next week what I got on it. I hope you enjoyed it!

snails, photos, stuff i made, school

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