I just watched Incredible Creatures That Defy Evolution, out of the collection of DVDs I have to take to Phillip. And wow... that video is amazing! I highly recommend it to anyone - it's extremely interesting to see the intricacies of how certain animals work, and how their functions obviously point to intelligent design. It's only 50 minutes long, so if you come across a copy, pick it up and I'm sure you can spare 50 minutes to watch it.
When I was at the Smithsonian's National Zoo in Washington, DC with my friend Jeremy, we were looking at the giraffes and he was telling me about how they defy evolution... it's amazing. This video also talks about giraffes, and explains it in quite a bit of detail. It's very fascinating. ^_^ I think I'll be looking at animals a little differently now.
P.S. When I was first looking at my post with all my LJ friends' addresses on it yesterday, I was extremely saddened when I saw
lacygreenlaw's address in there and realised I won't be sending her a Christmas card this year. :( I'm glad we at least were able to exchange Christmas cards last year. I need to find the one she sent me; I'm sure I saved it... *sigh*