I have some swords to sword-fight with! Muahahahaha.

Nov 01, 2006 17:51

Stephanie (Phillip's sister) dropped by my mom's oncologist's office today while I was there with my mom for her chemo treatment, and dropped off Phillip's stuff for me to take up to him. There was a LOT more of it than I was expecting. I was only expecting his bag of fencing stuff. But Stephanie also had his big winter coat and his snow pants, along with three shoeboxes full of DVDs he owns.

The DVDs probably won't be a problem to bring with me, cos I highly doubt he'll want all the cases. He didn't want cases when I brought him some DVDs before. If I leave the cases here at my house and put the DVDs themselves in my big CD binder, that'll be a lot easier to transport. The snow pants and jacket... those will be bulky. I really hope they'll fit in my suitcase. :/ I haven't packed anything yet, but I don't leave for another week, so I haven't worried about it yet. I'm going to try to pack as light as I can though, cos I will only need about 5 days' worth of clothes, after all. That shouldn't take up too much room, along with my toiletries.

I got out one if Phillip's foils (that's what they call the sword-thing they do fencing with) and looked at it. He's got three of them, and each has a unique handle. They're pretty cool! Haha, now I can go sword fighting. :P He'd be so mad if I tried anything, though, cos it's actually rather dangerous... haha.

So yay! Things are coming together... all I have to do before I leave is find a nice bottle of wine to bring to Aaron and Samantha (the couple whose house Phillip and I will be crashing at) and I need to find a nice hair clip to go with my ball ensemble. I found the perfect one yesterday at the salon I went to to get curl defining hair products, but the clip was $30. Way too much, when you can go to Target and get the same thing for $3. However, Target doesn't have the clip in gold metal, only silver... and I need something gold-toned to go with my earrings.

I'm done with school for awhile, too! Well, I've got my ECE class tonight, but I got the essay written that I have to turn in tonight, and class is always easy. After my class tonight, I won't have class for a week, cos I'll be gone. :D Missing classes kinda sucks, but if it's only one class session, I'm not worried about it, and my classes this semester are easy. There are only two of them, after all.

That's all for now!

shopping, travels, school, phillip, presents, phillip's stuff, stephanie

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