(no subject)

Aug 23, 2006 00:40

Well, today and tonight have been somewhat lazy. Been playing tangleword lots with my sister, which is always fun. ^_^ And Phillip called me tonight, which was nice. I was hoping he would, since we didn't talk yesterday. Everything's fine, though it seems we hardly have anything to talk about most of the time... but that's probably mostly cos we talk so often and neither of us have super-exciting lives 24/7, so it makes for maybe 20 minutes of good conversation every couple days, I guess. I'm not complaining; as long as we're communicating pretty often, I'm happy. ^_^

Tonight I was also chatting a bit with my new friend Wendy and her roommate Tera... it has been so awesome getting to know Wendy. She and I have so much in common, and it's really cool cos she lives in El Salvador and speaks Spanish, of course, so I can practise my Spanish in our conversations. ^_^ The coolest part of our getting to know one another and talking has been that I have shared with her my desire to go on some sort of missions trip, perhaps next summer. She said her roommate is actually a missionary from Florida, and that her church can definitely use some help. I'm really hopeful that this will be God's way of using me, and that perhaps I can find a way of joining Tera and her friend in helping Wendy's church spread the gospel to the children and families surrounding their area of El Salvador. I would love to use my Spanish-speaking skills and my experience in working with children towards something like this... I've really felt God pulling me in that direction lately, so we'll see where He takes me. I'll be praying about it, and it'd be awesome if any of you would also pray for me as I seek God's will for my life in the next year or two. ^_^

Tomorrow I've got to take my mom to chemo and then I have my Children's Literature class, yay! I'm looking forward to that class a lot... it sounds like it should be a lot of fun. ^_^ I've had friends who took that class and their assignments always seemed really cool.

That's about all for now... God bless you guys, and goodnight!

my lovely sister, spanish, school, phillip, friends, god

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