(no subject)

Aug 21, 2006 22:16

I'm home! We actually got home earlier, but I had to shower quickly and get ready for my first Music Appreciation class of the semester... ugh. It was actually pretty entertaining, though, cos I told the teacher I've already taken the class, so she kept asking me questions when she had questions to ask the class, haha... and I knew the answers! :D Also my friend Thomas is in the class with me, which makes it more fun. ^_^ So that was cool.

Another cool thing that happened today was I got mail! :D I got a package from thefaeway, which contained this shirt:

YAY! I guess it's a late birthday/Christmas gift? Hehe. David and I weren't really talking much during that time last year, so he never sent me this present... but since he and I have patched things up now, he was cool enough to still send it to me. Yay! Thank you, David! :D

That's about all for this update, methinks. I have a couple of pictures of the awesome stuffed Big Bird (it's actually rather small) that I got with Skee-Ball tickets yesterday... but I was too lazy to upload those. :P Anyway, goodnight everyone!

photos, school, friends, presents

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