(no subject)

May 03, 2006 17:24

I was awoken by my love this morning at 8:45. He was calling to let me know he got to Norfolk, Virginia safe and sound. ^_^ Then he called me this afternoon cos he had time on his hands and wanted to let me know he'd added me on yahoo messenger, hehe. Even though he's on the other side of the country, so far it's not too bad... I think he's going to be able to call me much more often than he was able to during SOI, let alone boot camp (haha, he didn't even call me once for that whole 3 months). So, yes. Hopefully by tomorrow or Friday we will know whether he'll get recruiter's assistance and if he can come straight back home. For now, I'm just trying to get used to the idea that he's 3 hours ahead of me, and remember that if he calls me at all it'll most likely be in the afternoon now, and not the evening.

I've still got to find a dress for Danielle's wedding. It's proving to be quite the improbable task. I've looked in countless stores, and it seems that if I find anything in my size, it's slutty, and if I find anything that's not slutty, it's huge. Why do people think that if you wear a size 3 you want the whole world to see half your body naked? Seriously, I'm going to a wedding here... not a high school dance. (Not that I wore slutty dresses at high school dances... but I did see plenty of other girls wear things like that). Blah. So I've looked online, and haven't found anything cheap enough. I'm looking for something in the red family (the wedding colours are red, white and black, and Phillip will be wearing his dress blues) and something semi-formal. Nothing too fancy, but nothing that screams "I just threw on my favourite cotton summer dress" either. *sigh* I have a little over two weeks. I hope I can do some quick shopping or something.

In other news, I have exactly three class meetings left of my Spanish class. It makes me a bit sad, because there are only about 8 of us in the class, and we've all gotten to know one another and it has been a lot of fun. I doubt I'll really see many of them much at all after the class ends, aside from the once-in-a-blue-moon encounter in the grocery store or Wal-Mart. Oh, well. In another way, the quickly approaching end of the semester is also making me feel stressed, as it does to any college student, because of course I have a final and I need to study and do homework. I'm most nervous about the oral exam; that thing is worth 150 points, and I have to say, I'm much better at comprehending what others (i.e. mi profesora) are saying in Spanish than I am at actually coming up with the words to say, myself, and expressing what I want to get across. But, I do have a low B right now in the class, and I think my quiz scores and my written exam scores should get me up to a high B, and then the oral exam might just bring it back down to a low B... we'll see. I'd like a B or higher, since Spanish is going to be my minor... so I better get busy studying!

That's about all for now. Thanks to everyone who prayed for Phillip's safe flight! Your prayers were definitely answered. ^_^

EDIT: I found a dress online that I like, even though it's a little bit pricey ($39), but then of course I realised I can't even BUY the thing, because of the idiot who stole my identity! I have to wait until I have a new credit card number to use. GRRR.

shopping, military, identity theft, weddings, friends, prayer request, spanish, sadness, phillip, school

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