(no subject)

May 02, 2006 23:25

I just talked on the phone with Phillip for about an hour. ^_^ He's in the airport, waiting for his flight to Dallas... then he has to be in Dallas for a 4-hour layover, and then he'll fly to Chesapeake, Virginia for his Security Forces training. He graduated from SOI this morning, with academic honours, and he was promoted to Lance Corporal yesterday. ^__^ I'm so proud of him... he's really doing an awesome job of everything so far in the Marines. God has definitely been blessing his journey. Tomorrow he'll land in Chesapeake at around 11:30 or noon EST, and hopefully after not too long he'll be able to figure out if he can get some recruiter's assistance. He's going to try to get it even if a class is picking up straight away, because if he doesn't get R.A. now, he probably won't have many opportunities to at all in the future... I guess he won't be allowed to do R.A. at all once he gets promoted to Corporal. So, we're REALLY hoping he'll get to come home for a few weeks for that. We'll see.

In other news, I called the bank today and requested a new card. All seems to be okay on that end. Hopefully my days of dealing with identity theft are over. I chopped up my card today, and now I feel a bit disconcerted when I open my wallet and see my card missing. In about a week I should have a brand-new one, though, with a new number. Hopefully it comes quickly.

That's about all, really. Not much else to say about today or even tomorrow. I just miss Phillip tons, and wish he was here to cuddle with me. -_- He'll be here soon, though. ^_^

Oh, one more thing. Today when my mom and I were eating at Subway, Mr. Pierce came in. He of course remembers me and he sees my parents sometimes and says hi... it's always cool to see him. He was my favourite teacher in middle school and high school... I had him for English in 8th grade and then in 11th grade. What was funny was that he said he still uses my essay I wrote on The Crucible as an example for his students. ^_^ It made me feel good, cos that must mean he hasn't found one he likes better even after four years. I'm just wondering if I have a copy of that essay somewhere, cos I'm curious to read it again... it must be good, if a teacher is using it as an example for so long, haha.

teachers, military, missing him, school, phillip, identity theft

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