New Year's Misc.

Jan 06, 2009 16:48

Ok. First post of the new year! Also, there is a Snow Day! Whooo!!!1! So, you know, I can actually finish this after [not] working on this for two days. Lots of things to say! Or... Remarkably less than I thought.

OK, so many episodes to go over (even though I haven't seen some of these for a bit.) But here is a brief overview of each:

Some Assembly Required: Giles/Jenny is mind-implodingly adorable, FRANKENMAN, Giles goes on his American football rant and officially marks himself as a Would-Totally-Be-Friends-With-Snape.

School Hard: THIS EPISODE IS ALL ABOUT SPIKE AND SPIKE BEING AWESOME (though I'm not sure I liked Spike that much at this point) and also Dru who is a wonderful/horrible River/Bellatrix/Saffron combo. Joss loves his crazy chicks...

Inca Mummy Girl: Xander. You are hopeless. You are as hopeless as a... Hopeless... Thing.


Halloween - Hee, Xander is a funky army dude and there's helpless!AngelSaveMe!Buffy, and Willow being Willow-y, Giles doing a flyingpaper!flail, and OOOOOOOOOOOZ~ (And Spike!)

Lie To Me: Angel is appalled by the misconceptions of the vampire groupies: I imagine this would be like Snape walking in on the SnapeCon the Snapecast staff had last summer. "And they don't know how we dress! ... Uh?"

The Dark Age: Like the most awful Giles mean!fic that ever was... Only, I think Echo and her sister might be able to do better... I'd prefer they didn't, though. And I was so afraid of the Giley thing falling through, and I had just written the Giley!fic, and... Aw, Giiiiiiiles... See, now I know he and Snape would be friends. Maybe they can hang out and do a canon!OOC and drown their sorrows in scotch...

Whose Line Is It AnywayWhat's My Line: Spike is cool, Dru is insane, there's Angel on ice skates (almost,) there's a funky bug man, there's young!Tia Dalma as a Slayer, Angel has a drum set, XANDER/CORDELIA WHOA WHAT IS THIS, there's mean!fic Angel, and there's lovely self-discovery at the end.

Ted: Aside from my relating to this far too closely, GILES AND JENNY MAKE UP, AND THERE ARE GILEY SMOOCHIIIEEEEEES~

Bad Eggs: Cowboy vampires, because Joss is a dork.

Surprises: Haha, Giles and his party-blower, and WHOA BUFFY, and WHOA WHAT HAPPENED TO ANGEL (you know, with him screaming like his you-know-what is burning off.) And Cordelia and her dip, and Oz with, "That actually explains alot!" And, "Uh, it's an arm?"

Innocence: DDDDD= Jenny's uncle, and Giles all supportive and cute and (WAS HE REALLY NOT WEARING PANTS?) and Angel, DDDDDD= But really, I can't help but think of Phoenix's Judge, and would he look good in blue...?

Phases: Which just proves that Echo is a maniac. I have it for woobies, and british professors; she has it for werewolves. BUT HOLY CRAP WHY IS OZ SO CUTE? WHY IS WILLOW SO CUTE? WHY DO THEY HAVE TO BE SO CUTE TOGETHER? ARGH SO CUUUUUUTE~ I totally can't wait to see more of them, and maybe more Woz smoochies!

Bewitched, Bothered, and Bewildered: XDDDDDDDDDD WHY IS XANDER SUCH A BUTTMONKEY? (Because it's funny?) And Dru, WTK?

SO YEAH~ Other favorite quotes would be, "Uh- Trout is a fish!" and "I'm going to go home, lie on my bed, and listen to country music: the music of pain."

Spike has now burst into my List, crashed in the most comfortable chair, put his feet on the table, and demanded the finest alcohol in the lot. I unfortunately have no booze, and Snape kicked him out of his armchair, so he's sulking somewhere around #22.

So what else? We had a Fantastic Four sleepover (by which I mean me, Echo, and our two friends from days of yore.) Stayed up 'till five, but I passed out at four. There was some Trace Memory-age, too (along with some Bill jokes.)

Which brings me to this: Mystery/adventure games for the DS are highly underrated. The DS has spawned some of my favorite games. Phoenix Wright, of course, and the ever-lovely-and-thrilling-and-cute-and-plot-twist-y Trace Memory. Hotel Dusk: Room 213 was like some wonderful film noir (though I think Echo still has my copy?) and then, dear Professor Layton, of course. I do love my DS.

Speaking of PL, I saw the Final Time Journey trailer and WHOA LAYTON IN A SWORDFIGHT WHY SO AWESOME? And Luke jumping on the couch, and Layton and his tea and WHEN DOES THE SECOND ONE COME OUT, GORRAMIT? In other PL news, there's supposed to be a PL movie in the works. It sounds fabulous, and then I hear it's live action. Why would you want live action when you have such beautiful European-like artwork to work with? *sigh* At least they can make Layton hot... *no one said that*

Also, I forgot to mention another DS game. Trauma Center, anyone? zarla should be so pleased with herself, what with having her Broken Glass Mix being sung by Echo and I over and over. (It can be found here, BTW: "And there's no reason why, when you cut people open, they're all funky colors, all inside, all color-coded, OH YEAH!"

Also interesting is how (we were playing UtK2) the big bad guys is like a little von Karma, what with the "von," and his rant about "natural selection" and "the perfect human" and being the crappiest father ever. And the organization? Apparently we could have another one: B.U.M.M.E.R. (Was this funnier at three o'clock in the morning?) Yeah, it was. Although, when you have to use your tools to get out of the cell? Kaylee, I think it was, was all, "Hey, why don't we just use the laser to blast out of here?" And Echo stops and thinks, and says, "Well it's more of a delicate laser." "Yeah," I say, "because you wouldn't be blasting people's organs with massive lasers." Kristen nods and says, "Yeah. So it's more of and 'ow' laser." To which we then pictured Chase, all "HEY DEREK" *zap* "CHASE, CUT THAT OUT!" *bzzt*

Then there was some joke about Erika's friend accidentally snorting bath soap up her nose...

Hey, here's something. iTunes is a moron. I'm not talking about this pricing thing; I mean the updated software. It's obviously geared toward people who buy entire albums, rather than those who just buy a song here or there. I'm one of the latter. So, where as before I could have all my songs in alphabetical order, now it can only be organized by album or artist, so that my Library looks like someone ate it, didn't like the weird mix of flavors, and then barfed it back onto my screen. It bums me out.

I had this dream last night, and I swear- God strike me down if I'm lying- Snape was on a unicorn. Swear to God. I just remember... He was kinda like, "Eh?" And I was kinda like, "Eh!?" But yeah, I also had a dream where the Tiny Titans were crewing Serenity, and I guess the Alliance caught us, and everyone was all hiding and fighting, and there was some Salem museum thing going on, and I was all, "hey, I know where that is!" even though I was in the mindset of my main OC, and there was some secret attic with a secret trunk, and there were disguises and secret passageways; and then there was the museum and Giles was there and there was lots of beige marble and dinosaurs? And then I went back to sleep and there was this dream with SSBros. but there were loads of playable characters, and I was kinda inside, and Raven was there, and then there were some aliens and they were making a movie? But then they made me play this game that was kinda like Tetris but with fruit? And I was ok at it, but then Snape showed up and was better, and that was the unicorn part, and there was something about this desktop background I'm working on and I was all, "Oh, that looks good!" And then... Um... I think I woke up again.

OH. Maybe the museum thing was in the dream I had night before last. 'Cause that one also had Snape briefly, but it was mainly Star Trek TNG characters, but they were cowboys, and someone was chasing me, and I was all, "HALP, I KNOW WHO YOU ARE!" And they were all, "Hey, how do you know us!" And then there was something about a wagon and going over jumps and it was nighttime and there were torches, and...

Ironically, I've done virtually no fandoming for a few days prior to these.

Ok, so New Year's Days I watched two movies. First, I watched Stardust with my mum, which I never realized was so long! It's like, almost three hours! But that really is a wonderful movie, with Arthur!Goat and stuff. He was my Mum's favorite character I guess, which was funny; but she liked Shakespeare too, all, "I was thinking, 'waxing poet!' and my men are thinking 'SHAKE! SPEAR!' I love things like that." Also she liked the ghosts, but how can you not? Eee, and I don't think I need to reiterate how much I like Septimus.

Later, we ended up watching Wall E. God, I love this movie. Out of all the Pixar films, it's really between this one and Finding Nemo, even if I really do like Toy Story (which, BTW, Echo pointed out that Joss did the screenplay! =DDDDDDD) But yeah, it was just soooo cute, and... Very artfully done. Of course, no matter how deep and artsy, it's still Disney. So my mum points out, "But, if they can't even get out of their chairs, why did I see a bunch a babies sitting around?" "Because it's Disney, mum. The stork brought them." But anyway, I just love Wall E and all his little treasures, and Eve being all "Uuuuh?" and then Wall E being all dorky in space, and Mo. How can you not love Mo?

So... I think that's it. I'll have a post in a couple of days for a certain event... :3

EDIT: Hey, I was on professorlayton and found this amazing lot of PL art. WHY IS THIS FANDOM SO CUTE!?

professor layton, trauma center, phoenix wright, star trek, stardust, dreams, buffy

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