I DON'T HAVE AN ICON FOR THIS FANDOM, AND PEARLY (edit: Sombrero!Giles, due to a later icon switch- holy crap, did I even know who Giles was at this point?) WAS THE ONLY ONE WHO DIDN'T IMPLODE ON CONTACT ---->
Wow. (And this is two days later, when the fangirling has worn off a little.)
So, my friend Amy had been telling me to watch this movie, Stardust. "It's really good!" she said. I figured, "Oh, ok, fantasy flick, I'll get around to it..." So I went to her 16th birthday bash and we watched it.
You see, if she had dropped the "Oh, it's really good!" and skipped to the "Holy crap, it has flying airships, and gay pirates, and unicorns, and witches, AND FREAKING SNAPE," THEN I WOULD HAVE WATCHED IT A HELLUVA LOT SOONER!
There are so many things I could talk about with this movie. But, for now, I'm going to preface it with this: I am a big Severus Snape fangirl. (Everyone I know just simultaneously rolled their eyes.) And when I say big, I mean, huge. Monstrous. Gargantuan. Actually, monstrous is pretty fitting. But really. I doodle Snape aaaaall the time.
lyricalecho gave me a Snape action figure, which now resides on my fandom-y bookcase, which I'll probably show later. But seriously. I also listen to
snapecast, which is crazy awesome, and I write Snape fanfiction, and he is NUMBER ONE ON MY LIST.
Now. What does this have to do with Stardust? Anyone who has seen it might know. As such, let it be known that I love all characters that are Snape-ish, and/or are played by Alan Rickman. (Speaking of which, my headcanon!Snape looks very little like AR!Snape, and decidedly much less good-looking, so at least I'm realistic.) So.
I was watching the movie, 'ok this is nice,' and we have the first scene with all the princes. I watch. And... "Heeeey..." I lean over to lyricalecho/LE. "Is it just me, or does that guy in black look like Snape?" Someone else leans over (Amy, I think, who I might add is not a Harry Potter fan,) and says, "Oh yeah, that's Septimus." "Septimus?" "Yeah..."
But I'm not yet entirely enthralled (only slightly.) Then Sept goes and pushes one of the other guys out the window and has a good laugh. Not exactly headcanon, but something about the nonchalant chuckle hits me as Snapey. And then... God. I don't know how it happened. I think... It might've been- Well, I'll put it under the Cut for spoilers:
(But first? Here's my idea. The people doing Stardust were like, "Ok. We have this really great plot, and it has diverse characters, original universe rules, plot twists and neat magical artifacts. Do we need anything else?" And a resounding cry goes up, "SNAAAAAAAAAAAPE!" [Which of course is kindred to SNAAAAAAAAAAAAKE! and SLAAAAAAAAAAADE!])
I think it might've been when the Bishop was poisoned. I mean, if it weren't enough how he was all, "Help! *CHOKE* I'm dying!" and then all, "PSYCH, LEWZER!" then the whole concept of poison was pretty Snapey too. Hey, maybe they're both Potions Masters! =D
And then, every time it would cut to him riding past on his ebony steed, cloak flowing in the wind, LE would look over, give me a wry smile, and then shake her head at how I merely grinned and shrugged a little. I was having a little issue with the Draco In Leather Pants trope, buuuuuut... I dunno, he was just so cool during the scene with the soothsayer, I was just like, "=DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD"
Also... Well, there was the part where he died. LE came up to me after and gave me a hug, saying "I- I- saw her take out the voodoo doll and I was like-! I couldn't even look at your face, d'awwwww!" But I did like him as a ghost though. I read this fanfic a little a while ago where Snape was sick, and he said "dudderheads," so I can only imagine ghost!Septimus getting a cold and being all "stubid brudder dudderheads, stubid voodoo dolls, stubid wh-ASPLOO-ches!" *But he was kinda cute when he was wet.* Just all, "*shrug* This sucks."
OHMAHGAWD, OK. So the part where Septimus was on Shakspeare's (<3) ship? First off, him walking in totally reminded me of Edgeworth's "What the hell is that wriggling piece of plywood?" But that was like, the best part, with Shakespeare all "=DDDDDD" and Sept all "O_o" BUT ANYWAY. You know the part where he jumps out the window? LE leans over and says, "ZOMG, it's a Snape-shaped hole in the window!"
And I stop.
And I gasp.
And then I burst into uncontrollable laughter, that oh my god, my throat is still sore and I am not making that up. It was... I can't even describe how amazing it was. It was just... HOLY CRAP THAT WAS GORRAM AMAZING THANK YOU!!! (Which by the way, Sept is wearing spurs in that scene, and a little part of me squeed to death. I know, more DILM problems.)
So let me get this straight:
- Both have long black hair, aquiline nose, sort of pale
- Black, high-necked robes
- Long Billowing cloak
- Duelists (sword vs. wand)
- Magic? (Do the runes count as magic?)
- Both a "Prince"
- As said before, both can mix a good poison
- Cunning, snarky, suave and FREAKING AWESOME
OH! ALSO, ALSO: I looked on imdb.com, and guess what? In the book, Septimus died from a snake bite. A bite from a huge, magical, poisonous snake. At which point I flailed my arms wildly and screamed "HOLY @#$%, IT'S SNAPE INCARNATE!!!"
So. Aside from Septimus, Captain Shakespeare was amazing. He was kind of like a little Dumbledore-y, without the edge. Oh! Gumshoe. He's a Gumshoe. All "Grrrrr!" but really "Awwww..." He might be on my List, just because he's cute and nice to people. Also, I'd like to draw attention to the part where Lamia turns the goat in a guy? HE WAS ABERFORTH AND ARTHUR WEASLEY PUT TOGETHER. No, really. He was a goat-man, played by Mark Williams. It was classic.
On that note, I know there are other things that I've probably forgotten, other than the fact that I love this movie even aside from the squee-worthy bits, so I'll talk about more later. I actually have to do another post for all the non-Stardust-y things I want to talk about, but I'll do that later.
NEVERMIND! I remembered. So: At the end, when Tristan fight's Septimus' corpse (DDDDD=) and then Lamia, LE pointed out that it was kind of like Legend of Zelda: TP. And I was like, ZOMG YOU'RE RIGHT! Because, you know, you have puppet!Zelda, and then the Big Boss/Ganondorf battle. In addition to this, I have concluded that Lamia and Voldemort are friends. First of all, she uses the broken glass trick a la Department of Mysteries. Second, if anyone has played OOTP for the Wii, you'd know that Voldie throws chairs at you. Lamia uses decorative pottery. It's a more feminine alternative.
And again, I only just recalled: You know that part before Tristan and Septimus go into the witches' Icicle Palace of Doom? And they have the whole knife exchange, and Tristan pulls a fast one, and LE whispers to me "Dude! Snape just got Snape'd, yo!" Or something to that effect.
(I was supposed to be taking Algebra notes, but I doodled this and then passed on to
stella_muse in French. =D)