Adventverse: Two Guys and a Big Blue Box

Dec 03, 2007 23:19

Title: Two Guys and a Big Blue Box 
Fandom: Advent of a Lesser God (Panfandom Crossover)
Author: kawaiispinel
Feedback: ...Is loverly.
Word Count: 252
Rating: G
Characters: Sock, Sam, the TARDIS (because it's secretly a character, itself), mentions of The Doctor.
Summary: "Sam... We have to steal this box."
Disclaimer: Reaper, Doctor Who, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, LOST, Heroes, Fallen, Torchwood, Highlander, Pushing Daisies, and any other fandom used in this multifandom crossover are totally not mine. All I have is an idea, one that I must run with and... Mess around with.
Author's Note: Annd this gets the honor of being the first Adventverse snippet. I am having way too much fun with this 'verse.

"Sam... We have to steal this box."

Sam looked at Sock as if he were crazy, which wouldn’t be much of a change from any other day he might have looked at his friend, especially when he said something as stupid as what he was currently suggesting. "What? No. No, dude, we are not touching that box... And, by the way? Stop calling it a box."

Sock cast a look behind him where the so-called "box" was sitting unobtrusively in a corner. "It says box on it, and if it has the word ‘box’ written on it in large, friendly letters, then I think I should be able to call it a box."

"Whatever, man," Sam said, holding his hands up in surrender, now somewhat frustrated by this whole damned scenario. "Just don’t touch it, okay? That Doctor guy creeps me out, and I’m not having him come after me with that... That thing he has on him."

"The beeping, blinky thing that kinda looks like a possessed screwdriver?"

"Yes, that. Exactly." He jerked his head towards the door. "Now let’s get out of here before someone catches us."

Sock sighed and gave the box another baleful glance and a furtive nod as if assuring it he would be back (and Sam rolled his eyes at the display). "Do you think when this is over, The Doctor’ll let us ride in it?"

"If you even ask him, I’ll stab in you in the spleen with a fork, and I say that with all the love of a close friend."

verse:crossover:advent of a lesser god

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