Nov 26, 2008 10:11
Is it just me, or is the Charlie Brown Thanksgiving special vastly inferior to the Halloween and Christmas special?
Last night i prepared my turkey brine, it is chillin in the fridge right now. I submerge the bird as soon as i get home. My mom never brined a turkey...she said it didn't do anything (a whole lot of effort for very little taste improvement), she also started cooking the turkey the night before. According to Alton Brown, i need two and a half hours (or less). So, I am trying something new this year, the bird will start cooking some time after the parade.
I am also amazed at the proliferation of turkey basters, despite the fact that everything i read says that skin is water tight (makes sense) so continually taking a turkey out of the oven is going to do more harm than good. Who is still basting their turkeys?
All and all i am excited to actually try my hand at making a traditional Thanksgiving dinner, we are finally going to use the roasting oven my mother gave us years ago, her assurance that "It's great for brisket" doesn't sell us.(we don't cook red meat).
Hope you and yours have a great thanksgiving. If you are in the Seattle area, and want a meal, you are welcome at our place.