Mar 05, 2009 09:11

Yesterday while shezincontrol and I were procrastinating by shopping on South Congress we went into this awesome old-timey candy shop called Big Top and dorked out. I ended up buying Jeff some bacon flavored tooth picks to show I was thinking of him and I knew he'd get a kick out of them. Well, he's a member of a sub reddit on based around bacon and he posted his toothpicks to the site. He said its the most successful thing he's ever posted to reddit! Anyways, I just thought it was cute and sweet. Only two down votes!...

Anyways, now I am working on this stupid Capstone paper. It's similar to a thesis. I need it to graduate and in the end it will be a total of approximately 30 pages. Sucks. The third submission is due tonight and I am just now working on it. Whatevs though. My teacher seems like she could care less, so I'm following her approach!

Back to work! Although I have a feeling I'll be wasting a good amount of time on the internet so don't be surprised if your friends page is full of my ramblings.

capstone, jeffy love

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