[Translation] NEWS color pallet #23

Mar 18, 2011 19:38



How's being in the set of Kinpachi after so many time?

M: Mmm...It really seems like a schoolmates' reunion. There are also the teachers.

S: Back then we were exactly like schoolmates too so now it feels just normal instead of a special event.

-How is it to work together again?

S: It's kinda embarrassing, yes, it is a little.

M: I guess it really is somehow.

S: Expecially when we were shooting the scenes in which there is our generation. Not only Massu, we all become adults. Even though we're all pro we were all saying that it was embarrassing.

-Meeting Takeda Tetsuya was like meeting again a teacher of your school time, right?

M: Right. But also in the CM we...Ah, I shouldn't say "we".

S: Excuse me (lol). I wasn't called for the CM (lol).

M: Ok, "I" met him during the shooting for the CM.

S: I should appear more often than you in the drama (lol).

M: Anyway I was happy to meet him again.

[LOL poor Shige, he feels left-over XD]

-Is there something that you particularly remember of the scene or script?

S: The graduation day and the last goodbye. The words of the teacher weren't on the script, it was all ad-lib. Not knowing what he was going to tell us it was really moving. Massu was crying since the rehearsals.

[Kawaii ><]

M: It taught me many things about human relationships. Also because of the work with many people of my same age.

S: Right. We were always scolded by the director though.

M: It was really a life experience. It was also my first serial drama. There were also long scenes of 20, 40 minutes. There were scenes in which I had lines for 20 minutes, I was scared because if I failed it would have been really embarrassing (lol).

S: That's true.

M: I'm going back to that time.

S: Yeah, I remember that feeling of "I can't fail!"

-What is "Kinpachi" to you?

M: I was there! I really wanted to say this!

S: Ahahah (lol).

M: I want everybody to know that I was there too. The JE staff is always saying to Shige: "I've always watched Kinpachi Sensei but your generation was the best!", "Shige's Hase Ken role was really good", so many people say stuff like these, once I wanted to enter the conversation. So when I told what happened in some scenes they said "Oh Massu is so exhaustive!".

S: Uhuhuhuh (lol).

M: So I went "Huh?". Basically that person didn't know that I was in the drama too (lol)

S: But the one who wasn't called for the CM is me (lol).

M: Ah, we made it funny duh.

S: "duh"? (lol)

M: In the JE there were 60 people of our age who took the auditions for Kinpachi. When it was over Johnny-san said: "Ok, we decided. Toushin, Kato and...that one".

S: Ahahah (lol)

M: I wasn't there that time, there were only Toushin and Shige. I heard that everybody there were asking "Who did he mean!?".

S: He said: "That one, that one, that one...Masuda". Nobody thought he was talking about you.

[LOL Ok, now he's Massu to feel left-over XDDD]

-I have here the profile of the students of the 3B class that was on the website at the time of the drama (2001)...

M: Ah! Shige, look, this is funny! My boom were "Mails" (lol)

S: Ahahahah (lol). Wah! My "dream for the future" was "Have a debut CD!". And that really happened 2 years later.

M: Cool! But Shige, here you said that you wanted to debut after the inspiration of the drama...

S: Maybe it was because Sooran (Danced in the 3B class) debuted at that time?

M: You're right.

S: Unbelievable (lol). Massu's dream was to become a "Big star", that's cool.

M: Well, this dream is still a work in progress. Right now I'd write "Super Star" though.

-How close is this dream now?

M: Not even a lower-case "star". Nah, obviously I'm not a star, not yet.

S: Didn't you ever think? Maybe you're a "little star". Ahahahah (lol)

-Give us some highlights of the drama.

M: Shige will give some for us.

S: Eh, me? With so many things happening it's difficult to give highlights. I think that you can enjoy it even if you don't know if this guy was there too or if you don't know the previous series.

[Ahahah bully!Shige XDD]

What if NEWS were in a school drama?

S: Massu would be the P.E. teacher.

M: An ero teacher? Joking, joking! A normal one! Shige would be a class library.

[LOL!! Now we know Massu's real inclinations! XD]

S: Am I a book? (lol)

M: Ok, a books committee member. Do you prefer science's ones or literature?

S: Both are ok (lol)

M: Do you wanna be the class leader? Ah, then the education committee people. This is kinda hard...

S: So, Koyama would be one, well...

M: Society studies' one?

S: Something like that...a practice teacher! That teacher with whom you're usually not used to. Tegoshi?

M: Couldn't he be a student?

S: I want to be mean with him! (lol)

[Nyahahahaah sweet revenge XD]

M: Ahahah (lol)

S: I want him to be the bullyed kid. Because usually is the opposite (lol). So, the boss of the brats would be Nishikido-kun, right? (lol) And Yamashita-kun the principal?

M: Uhuhuhuh (lol) Yamashita-kun must be the principal!

S: Anyway, I really don't wanna go to this school (lol)

YEY FOR SHIGE HAVING A BUTAI!! I'm overly excited because of how much we're going to see him when it'll be the time of the show!!
Lot of work for me!! XDD Omedetou hubby <3

members: masuda takahisa, translation: magazine, members: kato shigeaki

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