PHOTOSHIGENIC 041 - translation -

Mar 16, 2011 21:46


Shige, just come back from his 3rd adventure in Seul.
Mistaken for a local star, many good food tried, it seems that it became "a place I learnt to love travelling it". And still he's trying to explain us how much "Tahanmari" chicken pan is delicious.
"It was so good that without thinking I asked for a re-fill!"
About Yamapi's solo concert he had only good words.
So, chincha (=for real)!

[Chincha mashissoyo
(=Really delicious)]

As you can see from the first polaroid I went in Korea. My friend A had to go there for work so me and our common friend B went with him to have some fun. My friends A and B had both Korean friends there so I was introduced to many people and went to many meetings. Communication between different cultures, you know. When I met the first person there our conversation was only self-introduction, but I think that it became the stimulus to talk more.
I think there are people who don't know me so I'll identify myself, I'm Kato Shigeaki. People call me "Shige". That's why when I introduce myself I use to say "I'm Shige". I did the same in Korea too. When I did a Korean told me: "Do you know what "Shige" means in Korean?". Of course I didn't. I asked then, what can it mean? The guy pointed to his wrist. "Wrist?" - He shook his head - "It means watch". Ohhh! To joke I said "My name is watch", I didn't expect it to be successful. In the end everybody in Korea started to call me "Watchman". "Watchman, have some kimchi!". "Watchman aren't you cold?" ...I was like a character from american comics. Well, it wasn't that bad to feel like an hero.

[He wrote "まいねーむいず うおっち" LOL That's so cute!!]

Kato Shigeaki aka WATCHMEN and friend B were staying in a common hotel but their friend A was in a high-class hotel because he was on a job-travel. No matter how much Yen was stronger than Uon, we couldn't afford to stay in his same hotel... When we arrived and went to meet there A we were totally shocked. The hotel was so beautiful and all... This happened while we were waiting for A taking a tea in the coffee-bar of that high-class hotel. Of course even a simple cup of tea wasn't cheap there but a vegetable stick was-was-was 100000 Uon. In Japanese currency is...7000 Yen!? Does a vegetable stick like that even exist? It costed something like more than 20 cups of tea! Even though pasta or curry costed only 3000 Yen!? If vegetable sticks cost like that they must be really long. Like 3mt. Well, they'd be really disturbing though. If you dip them in the sauce they may break. ...Well, I guess that it was just a misprint but that hotel was so chic that I wouldn't be surprised of anything. Chincha? We weren't the only ones to say that. Precious Korea.

(Vegetable stick is basically a cup with different vegetables cut in sticks served with sauce to dip them)

translation: photoshigenic, members: kato shigeaki

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