My future...

Nov 16, 2010 22:24

I will marry Shigeaki Kato.  

After a wild honeymoon, We will settle down in Rome in our fabulous Mansion.  
We will have 2 kid(s) together.  

Our family will zoom around in a Blue Ferrari. 
I will spend my days as a Drunkster at the zoo, and live happily ever after.  

LOL When I did this the first time the answers were more hilarious because we lived in Tokyo, we had 0 kids and a BLACK TRACTOR XD
Too bad I wrote that in Italian so I had to refill it to share it with you, some options changed though ><

I don't care it's....THE DREAM OF MY LIFE hauhauahauhauahauahuaha *incoherence* XDD


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