
Mar 06, 2010 15:18

 I'll begin saying that I'm overexcited since this morning when I opened my f-page and saw the calendar *O*

(For the Lols)

And impressions :D

I like it but strangely I like very much more the pics when they are together, the unexpected pics (like the ones where Ryo makes baka faces or the ones where they are talking and laughing) than the solo cuts. Because they look a little too artificials ><

Pi: he's HOT but a little too dark looking and depressed. Those pictures make him look like a sad gigolo after a night of sex with a customer LOL I don't think that Yamapi is fit for a role like that ^^" Btw he's gorgeous as ever!

Ryo: He's breath taking >< I still prefer the dork him (like the one I just saw in Kanjani's calendar) but he's too sexy +___+

Tegoshi: Gomen I really don't like the idea of cross dressing XD I really can't make me like it LOL

Massu: The solo was very fit to him ^^ He's so cute! But...the leggings... >_> lol

Shige: I'm very unfair but his is the best solo cut, gomen ._.
Every single pic is beautiful, I like the one of him painting all concentrated and the ones where he looks like a real artist *_*
Expecially the one with the picture of the blue sky (aozora :D) ^____^ He's so pretty that I can't stop looking at him *_*

Koyama: He's adorable but somehow his part looks too much artificial >< They wanted to show a domestic Keii-chan but somehow they didn't succeed too well >< But still he's so kawaii *_*

My two cents :D


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