Josei Jishin - Ryo, Pi, Tego, Massu

Mar 04, 2010 20:08


"I like the feeling of perfect cleanliness of the hotels"

Right now we're in the middle of the shootings for the Johnny's Calendar "NEWS 2010-04 - 2011-03"! From this week we'll introduce each members' solo cuts.
The first is the main character of Code Blue: Yamashita Tomohisa.
The theme for his solo cut is "The hotel life of an adult man". The image of Yamapi in the night scenery of a luxury space is more perfect than ever, so much that you can hear the sighs of the staff!
"I never had the chance to have a photo session inside a room of an hotel until now so it was a very fun experience. I like the feeling of cleanliness of the hotels. And the night was so pretty too."

Yamapi had a very full year with the dramas and the concerts.
"Everything left me a deep impression. This year too I want to do my work with all my strenght. Trying to make things work even outside my job (lol)"


"Outdoor games are soo fun!"

"It was so much time I didn't play like this, it was so fun!".
Masuda Takahisa showed us his figure playing to various games. He was sent for the shooting of the Johnny's Calendar "NEWS 2010-04 - 2011-03" in full winter beside the sea, it was pretty cold...
"It wasn't cold! I was worried for the staff more than for myself (lol). I'm usually strong to cold. Even in full winter I wear only a T-shirt under the parka. There are also days where I wear more clothes but I prefer to be light. Wearing more clothes it's more interesting for fashion but if I do I feel too hot (lol)"

This year Massu is a Toshiotoko...
"Roaring I want to imprint NEWS with the powerful essence of a Tiger! Until now this year I was able to appreciate the little happiness of everyday life like "The meal was delicious!" or "There's the sun!", I hope I can go on like this in my whole life".


"I wonder what my parents will think looking at this girl (lol)"
"Who is this gorgeous girl?", the identity of this breath-taking woman is...Tegoshi Yuya. Inside the Johnny's Calendar "NEWS 2010-04 - 2011-03" a surprising solo cut.

"I want to see something completely different from me" so here it came this cross dressing challenge.
"Yes, I took the invitation (lol)" and he amazed all the staff with those host clothes.

"I already dressed as a high school girl in the encore of the live but this is the first time I take pictures like this. I wonder what my parents will think (lol). But, doing it was great, I came to know everything about make up and standing on those high heels was so hard. I cross dressed also for Yamato Nadeshiko but this was a real challenge. Please think whatever you want about it. Also: "What is this idiot doing?" is ok (lol)".

"I want to do the shooting with a free image"

"I'd like the cameraman to shoot pictures of my actual self freely".
During the preparations for the Johnny's Calendar "NEWS 2010-04 - 2011-03", Nishikido Ryo ask this for his solo cut. With this hope, he went to talk with the cameraman and they decided for the theme: "Sexy & Cool".

Then, the day of the shotting session. Standing in front of the camera, plunged into the strobe's light, here it is Nishikido's figure. Not anymore with his symbolic warm smile but with a sexy, manly atmosphere.
The stuff too was overwhelmed by such a beauty!

"The lights were so cool, I was very satisfied. I'd be happy if the people who will spend the whole year with the NEWS calendar will find a side of themselves that they still didn't know and if they will work hard.
I will spend my days enjoying and cherish them too."
Credit to Inala, Watchful21, je_for8ver for the scans ><

nishikido ryo, yamashita tomohisa, members: masuda takahisa, mags: joseijishin, translation: magazine, members: tegoshi yuuya

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