
Feb 07, 2010 23:18

2nd & last part of Duet 2010.03


Q. Something that made you heart go Dokidoki recently?

At the end of the year I was in a tv show and after the rehearsal for it I had a free time of 3 hours. Just when I was complaining about being unoccupied I found Yasu from Kanjani8 who was free too so we decided to go together to do massages. While we were coming back to the studios telling "Ahhh it feels so good!" we found a lot of traffic!
I went so dokidoki over "What can we do if we aren't in time for the show!?". It was really really crowded! (lol). But in the end we were on time and since the show went perfectly I was happy. It doesn't happen so often to me to be that panicked (lol). From now on I'll be more careful!

Q. Do you have something that you'd like to ask "Why?" about girls?

The contacts that make the black eyes look bigger!! I don't really like girls with heavy make-up but that in particular is so useless. The girls who use those contact lenses end up to not have a facial expression, they all have the same robot-like face. The look of the eyes is important. Then, now fake eyelashes are a trend but I don't like them at all. If my girlfriend would use something like that I'd say to her "Stop it!" for sure. When I'm with the girl I like I'd like her to not use make-up. Because that is the best kawaii ever! Then, girls use to tell everything about their love life to their friends. Why? (lol). I'd say to my friends something like "I have a girlfriend" or "We fought" but I wouldn't say anything more.

Q. The thing you LOVE the most?

My clothes and board for snowboarding. After 5 years I decided to try snowboard again and last week I went there. My clother were all black and they have pink lines. Can't you see that they're cute even just imagining them!? If next week I'll have day off I'll go there again. I don't know if I'm able to slide like before but I think I'm pretty good the same. About this, didn't we go to snowboarding with Duet coverage before!? I remember that that time the staff were all great to do it, it was cool! Bring me there again, please!

Q. Do you have any Heart-shaped goods?

Not at all! Uhm...if it was "Stars" I got something. Like necklaces or keychains. The only heart thing is the fact that I use the heart emoticon, maybe? But not to send "Love", I use it for kidding when I say something cold. For example: "Sorry for yesterday" --> "I won't forgive you ♥" (lol).

Q. Leave a message for the girls in love!

Soon it will be Valentine Day. This is the only day when girls attack you with their love confessions. I think nobody can miss this segnal! If you like somebody collect all your courage and go attack him! Of course you can't confess by mail, just do it directly.
Because for a boy the feelings of a girl who blushes in front of them is the best present. So what I can say to you is: "YOU CAN DO IT!!" (*In English)


Q. Something that made you heart go Dokidoki recently?

When I woke up, looked at the clock was quite the time of the meeting for the drama!! I woke up, prepared in a rush and run out of house and somehow I made it on time. Running towards the place there was an instant in which I was about to give up "I really can't stay there on time..." but in the end I collected my strenght (lol). I think I woke up and went out of house in only 3 minutes! That day I did everything by haste~

Q. Do you have something that you'd like to ask "Why?" about girls?

I have the image of the fact that the girls love the characters' things. There are girls full of things like stuffed toys, notes and other goods, right? Since I'm not interested in it at all I think "Why?" (lol). When I was a kid I liked a little Dragon Ball but I liked only the anime I didn't want to have any goods of it. I don't mean that it's a wrong thing, it's just that for me it's strange.
I don't talk about work or love with anybody. Because no matter what is the question, I want to take a decision all by myself. Boys who think like this are a lot, right? Maybe is for this that we never talk. I think that girls are the exact opposite of boys. I know that talking with somebody can cheer you up and that there are various reason for it but for me it's definitively strange.

Q. The thing you LOVE the most?

Curry. Beef, chicken, if it's only curry is OK!! Yesterday too in the middle of the night I suddenly felt that I wanted to eat it so I went alone to buy it. Yesterday, I ate Hikiniku, veggies' curry. Curry is so good. Then, without limits, now and forever...I love Dance & Music!! Right now for the drama filming I can't never go to dance lessons but I want to do it soon when I'll have some time.

Q. Do you have any Heart-shaped goods?

Nothing!! I'm super sure that even if you go searching in my whole room you can't find anything. I'm very opposite to everything that is too girlish. I'm not trying to look strong but really I don't even have any pink clothes. For this, today's pics are a miracle. This is the first and the last time that I have hearts on me! This picture is really a miracle (lol).

Q. Leave a message for the girls in love!

There are people who are in love and those who have a crush, right? There isn't a boy in the world who doesn't like a confession from a girl. Soon it will be Valentine Day, use it and try to speak out your feelings, it's a chance from the Gods. If you have only a crush nothing will begin. If you're in love race it until the end! The way to tell your feelings? Uhm I think that home-made chocolate is a good way but of course your feeling can't be expressed if you don't talk. Don't use mails, write something by hand! Some lines written with all your heart have a great power.


Q. Something that made you heart go Dokidoki recently?

When I saw some girls in uniform and high school girls walking happily on the street (lol). More than a dokidoki it was a "kyuun". Since when I was an high school student I already was in the Jimusho and worked, I have more memories of medium school. But my school was a male one, all I could see were boys. I wanted so much to do a date in uniform~. Even now when I see a girl in uniform I remember that time and I feel like "kyuun". I wanted to feel dokidoki on a "uniform date" at least for one time (lol). The things that always makes me go dokidoki are PK soccer matchs! During the PK that are decisive for the elimination you just wait for a goal. In those cases it's so regretful that it makes me cry...

Q. Do you have something that you'd like to ask "Why?" about girls?

I think that the girls who get all excited for Valentine day are so cute. Doing your best for the person you like is the most happy time. It's not only for the sparkles. It's a valid day also for the girls who can't confess by theirself! I'm a "carnivore" boy so...recently I wanted to use this word so much (lol).
If you like a person you can't go on without telling him your feelings, as a carnivore boy I'd like to ask "why?" to the girls who says "I can't really confess". Because I think that it's way worst when the person you like end up to date somebody else, more than being rejected.
Be a perfect "Yamato Nadeshiko" and do your best to give your chocolate to your beloved boy! Eh, recently it uses to give "Friends choco" to the mates too, right? Eeeh! This I really can't understand! Go give it only to boys! (death glare). ...wait? Last year I gave chocolate to Katsumura(Masanobu)-san! It was Friends choco!! I gave it to he who is a good soccer mate because it was Valentine and I had some. Then he told me "Tegoshi, do you like me? (lol)". Without knowing I gave a Friend Choco too~

Q. The thing you LOVE the most?

The thing I love the most in all the world is my little papillon dog Tinny! I can't help it, her face while she's waiting the milk is too cute ♥ Since she's too cute, I put a picture of that waiting face as my telephone screensaver (lol).

Q. Do you have any Heart-shaped goods?

At my last b-day my friends gave me a necklace and a strap with skull-shape but if you look at it to the right it looks like a heart. When I noticed it I felt "Kawaiii!"

Q. Leave a message for the girls in love!

In "Yamato~" I play the role of Yukinojo who help Sunako to turn in a wonderful girl. In reality when my friends adviced me an hairstyle it was really cool, things like that happens also with love. A lot of times friends play the role of Cupid. If you want I can be the Cupid for all you readers! (lol)

nishikido ryo, yamashita tomohisa, mags: duet, translation: magazine, members: tegoshi yuuya, news

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