Ring19 - Shige's short story

May 17, 2012 00:44

Ring19 - Kato Shigeaki's entry

Tsu~tsutsutsu~ *

"His nickname was Mensore"

It was the Summer of the university entrance exams. He skipped the cram school, riding the swing in the park he was staring at the sky idly.

Ah...I will go to university now, then I will search for a job, get married, have kids. I will be busy with common problems like being scolded by the boss for little mistakes, somehow I will live a happy life. That is me.

While thinking to those things the boy wiped the sweat from his forehead glancing the kids playing in the park.

Will that happiness be fun though?
Wouldn't it be better to be a pennyless rockstar or a comedy actor? I don't know but I'm pretty sure it'd be better than becoming a president!!

Yes, I'll be the king of pirates!!!

In the excitement he stepped on the swing! Ready to jump!!

If I can pass that fence I will do it!! I'll become the king of pirates! ...if not I will be a president!! I have no idea but I will take the sailing licence too!


The boy landed just on the top of the fence. There he started losing his balance, there was no way to understand on which side he would fall.

Damn! Please, I want to pass it!!

In that moment a girl who was playing came walking and said to the boy.

"Mensore" *

The boy opened his eyes surprised and stopped. It was like floating in the space. Then he unluckily fell on his bottom.

He couldn't pass the fence.

Anyway the boy started laughing to the nuance of the girl's "Mensore", then to the action of welcoming and its opposite meaning. Moreover, why in Okinawa dialect?
The girl said again "Mensore, are you ok?".

So I'm Mensore now. Mensore, the king of pirates. Ah, no I can't be a pirate anymore.

He was somehow happy. The girl put her finger in her mouth and looked at him puzzled.

Why are you looking at me like that? Hey!

It was a nice feeling. After all maybe this might be called happiness.

Mensore stood up and swiped off the dust from his butt, he said to the girl.

"I'll manage in a way or another" *

He patted the girl's hear, climbed over the fence and went to the cram school.


*This is fiction*

Sorry, forgive me for this.
Look forward to NEWS Best!

[The syllabe of the last entry was "tsu", the title of the story is "Tsuita adana wa Mensore".
"Mensore" is Okinawa dialect for "Irasshaimase"
In the last phrase he used the Ryukyu dialect version of "Nantokanarusa" (Ryukyu are the islands in which is Okinawa)]

I don't usually post jwebs translations here but this was a special and it was nice >< And I wanted it on my lj  lol
As expected from Shigeaki-sensei huh ♥
Thanks to yookoochan for the Japanese text!

translation: jweb, members: kato shigeaki

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