"Rokugatsu no Bitaa Orenji" - Website updates

May 13, 2011 19:16

I've been checking Shige's butai's website everyday since it was opened, always hoping for new posts. Finally it seems they're updating it, the staff blog started and they added a page for the cast (with pics!) and introduction of the characters.

I made a new tag for the butai, click on BUTAI on the right tag-list to read everything about this work with Shige ^^

I translated the info, this post will contain all the posts I will translate from the Butai's official website,


Fukano Tatsuya (Shigeaki Kato)
The younger son of Fukano's family. A talented boy who always succeeded in everything, sports and school. Heart-broken for his mother's dead decided to go to a boarding school, he lives away from his home country and graduates. After 7 years he comes back home due to a certain phone call.

Fukano Naoki (Joshima Shigeru)
The older son of Fukano's family. On the contrary of his brother he's no good in anything. Even though he could enter a university he took one year off... After this he comes back home without a work, wanting to be a professional musician. He will leave his home country after a ceirtain fight.

Fukano Isao (Kubo Chukichi)
Naoki and Tatsuya's dad. The country's doctor. He's disgusted by his older son who can't do a thing but holds lots of expections for the younger one. After his wife's death he starts drinking. He finds out he's affected by cancer and has only 1 month to live but still he wants to get married to a way younger woman.

Morisawa Kaori (Asami Hikaru)
The fiancée of Fukano's dad. She's suddenly introduced to the two brothers but there are more than 30 years of age's difference between her and their dad. To the brothers she's a mysterious woman. Actually, she has a secret they can't even imagine...

Noguchi Ken'ichi (Kugasawa Tooru)
A policeman of the country. He's an old friend of Naoki. He's intimate with Fukano's family so he knows a lot about them.

Kajita Shinji (Nakagawa Tomoaki)
A gangster. He's got some doubts about Tatsuya, he arrives to the city following him from Tokyo.

Tominaga Mai (Uchida Akiko)
A mysterious girl related to Tatsuya. She arrives to the country called by somebody...


Yesterday on the HP of "Rokugatsu no Bitter Orange" the blog was finally opened. It said that on 24.4 there was the first meeting of the cast and staff of the butai, they met and read the script and laughed together. Everybody's got a nickname and the Workshop officially

On 13 May there was the first press conference at the Tonai Hotel, the hall was all orange colored! The conference was held by Kato-san, Joshima-san, Asami-san and G2-san. G2 expressed his thoughts about the work, Kato, Joshima and Asami talked about partecipating to the show and gave their highly motivated comments. They also talked about the rehearsals and the communication between the actors. Everybody laughed to the comments full of sense of humour by Joshima, the conference ended in a perfectly relaxed atmosphere.

Website edited with a video comment by Asami Hikaru, you can see it here! It's just a short clip in which she introduces herself, her character and the work. "I'm enthusiast but still I'm nervous. It's the first time I work with Kato and Joshima, I'll try to do my best in despite of my anxiety. We want to create a show that everybody can enjoy".

translation: other, 6gatsu no bitter orange, members: kato shigeaki

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