For our last day in London, we decided to shoot the wad and have high tea. It was quite the experience. While Jeff and I had high tea, TBG had a savory tea
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The day was quite grey this morning, but it was warm, much warmer than previously. We took this as a good sign and once again made our way to The Globe. We were a little concerned that it might not be open because of the Bank Holiday, but we had nothing to fear. They were quite open and we were able to get in with the next tour. It gave us
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Another beautiful day and it would prove to be that way all day long. By noon the sweaters beneath the coats were coming off, by one, off came the coats. It was a lovely day for walking about. ( Read more... )
Wow, what a day! It dawned sunny and perfect and pretty much stayed that way all day! This was good because we had two markets to hit today
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The day was a bit hazy this morning, high thin clouds made it seem cooler than it really was. We walked down to Waitrose to do a bit of breakfast shopping only to be too early, so we ended up at Sainsbury Lite (sort of a version of Seven Eleven). Picked up some eggs and milk then went back to the flat to make breakfast. We have the day to
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It’s hard to believe that we have been here a week already! The time is speeding by, although Jeff admitted to me that his legs were starting to get tired. I’ve noticed that we aren’t jam packing quite as many things into the days. They still are full, but not as full. He also admitted that he didn’t think he’d do London on his own as part of
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