Her days as a mum are nearing an end

Aug 23, 2018 11:50

I just made an appointment to have Minnie fixed next Friday. I'm thinking that we will probably have to board her for a few days, just to make sure the kittens leave her alone enough for her to heal. She'll also get all her shots then, too. Then she will be ready for her new home (fingers crossed that it comes through for her). She is starting to call and Meanie has been busying himself by pissing all over my kitchen sliding glass door. Sigh...

The concert last night wasn't too bad. I think the band sounded better with John in charge, but ABBA is ABBA. It was cool, so there were lots of folks dancing. We danced a little, not as much as we used to, but I was in an odd mood last night... not grumpy, but not happy, either. I always hate getting away from the park afterwards because people just step in front of you. Gah! It seemed to take forever to get home. Finally got there around 8:30 and managed to get to bed by 9:30. Kittens did not want to go back into their little bathroom and I'm not sure how much longer that will be an option.

Sleep seemed to take forever to come last night despite a cool breeze and three snuggly kitties. Sure am ready for today to be done and my weekend to start. I need a nap, however, since I'm going to be evaluated this afternoon, that probably isn't a good idea.

Hope this day is full of promise and happiness for you!

abba, cats, kittens

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