Jun 10, 2017 15:28
Yesterday Pyewacket decided to spray one of the cloths we put up to keep Titan from hosing down our record albums. Pyewacket is a fixed female and I know that inappropriate urinating is the sign of a possible bladder issue. Since both she and Jenny were due for their yearly shots, we took them over this afternoon. Now neither of them will look at me, but it is nearly food time, so I'm sure that will change. The vet did think she had a bladder infection and we started her on antibiotics. She is still not a happy camper. Then and again, neither I am. One spraying cat is enough.
I am very sad that we have lost Adam West. As Sparky put it, we are slowing losing our childhood heroes. I loved Batman as a kid. It was campy and silly and fun and that was okay.
Our weather is sunny and clear, but the wind is keeping the temperatures down to the low 70's. I'm using that as an excuse to toss a roast in the oven. :D
This is a post of little consequence, but my last few have been about being pissed off with stuff, and mostly I'm not.
Oh, and I started working on our next trip. Just three months and two week, not that I'm counting...