Jul 22, 2007 04:29
Am I the ONLY person on the face of this planet that isn't madly in love with Harry Potter?? Seriously. I just do NOT get the appeal. All my friends online are fans on some level/degree of insanity, my sister and her hubby are into it, my uptight aunt is all yaysters about it, hell, I couldn't even sit at a restaurant yesterday without taking note of ONE person nearby who couldn't keep her nose out of it while she was eating! *eyeroll*
I must be missing a gene or something, lol. Not that I want to be like everyone else... quite the contrary... but I just cannot get into Harry Potter. And I've TRIED!!!!
rjeoijipturejeoipahreojrneoi <~~~~~ forehead hitting keyboard and rolling a few times.
PS: There's more to my rotten mood than this, which I'll elaborate on laters. This just happened to be the coup de grace of my boiling point.
ETA: I'm truly not trying to offend any of you lovely, intelligent, devoted HP fans--dear friends of mine or not--this is simply my own frustration at not understanding a hugely popular and ravenous fandom. Other words: my issue :)
the week hasn't even started yet and it,
harry potter,
i stand immune,
grrr arrrgggh