Happy Happy Birthday, oldgreymare!!!! (and less important stuff from me, OMG yay?)

Feb 28, 2006 06:48

My darlings. Yo, I'm here. Boy I just can't seem to stop sucking, can't I? *whines* I SUCK!!!!!! And then I..... suck some more. Then I get Spike and he sucks on with me. Now I will pour much praise and worship upon the beautiful bloodytearslife simply because she never stops her very passive harassment of me and sweetie, I love you for it. I hear your nudges and it does my soul good to know you're tapping your foot and rolling your eyes that I *still* haven't updated my journal yet. Grooviness :) I'm such a lazy ass and when things are stressy and ARRRRRRGGGGGGHHHHH!!!!!!! around this joint, I do tend to curl up in a ball and-- GOD! Who cares?? On to less "me" centered topics. Or is that why you're here? I guess that's partly why you're here, yes? I mean, I *am* the one writing this here journal and so therefore much of it does have to do with - say, moi. But that's not the point of today. For TODAY is oldgreymare's BIRTHDAY!!!!! *throws confetti, passes around cake, blows up balloons* I sooooooo hope you're having a fantabulous day, honey!!! *hugs you madly* And because I love you, I felt the need to shower you with a bit of eye candy.

Awwww. Look at that face. I think he wants a birthday kiss. For you, I mean :p

Looky-look, sweetie. I do believe you've got yourself a willing slave. For God's sake, MISBEHAVE.

Umm... yeah. *cough* I'll just be... leaving you two alone now.

Okay, so this one is a BIT out of sync with the flow... but come on! Could he BE any more adorable? And imagine him looking up at you like that and tell me it doesn't give you the fangirly giggles! Rest my case :p (Also, Perfect Picture Alert with the gorgeous hair, yummy arms, sexy tummy peakage, pretty smile, scuffed jeans, hand whore fetish delights, shining eyes, tight-ass shirt... the list goes on...)

Did I mention to have a wonderful Birthday, babycakes? :) Loves ya!

Okay. Next item of weirdness. I haven't been eaten by Bigfoot. You'd probably have to have lived in the Pacific NW to appreciate the seriousness of that announcement. And yes he does SO exist! Anyone wishing to debate this further can bite me 'cause I will take you down. Mwaha. No, seriously. Just look at the size of my brother's feet and try to convince me he's not related to Bigfoot. *frown* I guess that would mean that I'm related to Bigfoot as well. So if I was eaten by Bigfoot, would that be, like, incestuous cannibalism? I think I'd rather make out with my cousin. Of course, I'd do that anyway, 'cause he's hot. Don't judge me. We've been thru this, dammit!!! If you're new here, go backtrack - he's friggin' cute, even if he DOES hunt. Maybe he'll kill Bigfoot one of these days and prove me right. Then I'll have good call to lay one on him. Cutie Cousin, not Bigfoot.

So I want some new icons! You know all the BEAUTIFUL pretties they put up of James on Kryptonsite recently? Hooooooohhhhhh yeah. Lickalicious :) I have a couple ideas in mind for icons, so if any of you are willing to make me a few, I would be so deeply grateful. Just pipe up and go crazy and I'll worship you and send you the pics/ideas I have and then I'll worship you some more :D I'm way excited for Sexy to get his Fine self back on Smallville next month and I was feeling celebratory-inspired or something.

Oh, and selene90, my sweet little Elena bug.... I think my journal needs some more tweaking. My damn friggin' monitor's been kinda bitchy off and on for a while and I tried to change a couple things myself and I think I might have messed up something on my layout. So I just may need your help, my layout queen. Let me know when you can come to my aid. I feel like Retard of the Month here. Of course, I always feel like that, but this is different. It's like feeling retarded when you're ALREADY retarded. I didn't think I could surpass MYSELF. I should get a medal or something. Or, like, some Girl Scout cookies. For free. Because I'm retarded, see :B

PS: Something's coming.... something pretty cool. Stay tuned. You want a hint? Good, 'cause I gave you one. There's a damn big hint in this post, *gasp*

PPS: Bunny love, I so heart the Valentine you sent me. Thank you so very much. It got me all warm and fuzzy inside :D :D :D We haven't finished watching Angel, have we? I just got to thinking about that the other day.... *sigh*

birthday, general dumbness

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