Happy New Year

Dec 31, 2008 18:51

I've had another wonderfully lazy day, which did include a short (and misguided) trip to Tescos, along with most of the rest of the population of Northampton, it seemed. I've caught up on my LJ reading, and even managed to leave a few comments here and there. Now I'm cooking some tea for E (B has been invited to a sleepover with her friend who ( Read more... )

new year

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Comments 19

kazzy_cee December 31 2008, 19:18:11 UTC
Happy 2009! :)


spikereader December 31 2008, 19:22:49 UTC
And the same to you, Karen (and MrCee and the boys too). *toasts you with my port*

(and in the spirit of being cheeky, as I love this layout so much and don't want to change it, if I find some icons would you have time/be willing to redo it for me before you start back at work?)*flutters eyelashes winningly* :D


kazzy_cee December 31 2008, 19:49:08 UTC
Yes of course! I've revamped mine and I rather like the layout myself :)


spikereader January 1 2009, 11:27:52 UTC
Thank you Karen - I found it difficult to make a choice so came up with two selections - one a purely JM one and one with various different icons. They are both in my Scrapbook



I'll leave the choice up to you. :)


debris4spike December 31 2008, 19:32:47 UTC
Hope you 2009 is a great one for you - May your dreams come true.

I shall pop over for the port, providing the crossword is packed away!


spikereader December 31 2008, 19:35:36 UTC
Thank you Deborah.

*pours you a glass*
*hides the crossword*


jamalov29 December 31 2008, 19:40:52 UTC
::raises a glass of champagne::
Yay for a wonderfully lazy day.

Bonne et heurese année à toi et à tous ceux que tu aimes .:)


spikereader December 31 2008, 19:43:50 UTC
Merci beaucoup - and cheers. :D


deborahw37 December 31 2008, 20:03:40 UTC


spikereader January 1 2009, 11:28:31 UTC
And the same to you and Rod.


petzipellepingo December 31 2008, 20:12:43 UTC
Happy New Year to you and yours!


spikereader January 1 2009, 11:29:02 UTC
Thank you - hope you had a good one.


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