Peter Wentz Pan. [1/?]

Apr 12, 2007 10:26

Title: Peter [Pan] Wentz. [1/?]
Author: spikemhinoda---------->jess.
Rating: PG.
Pairing: Peterick.
Summary: "Ross? Who's that? My pixie's name is Ryan," Pete corrected.
Disclaimer: Disney owns Peter Pan, FOB owns Pete and 'Trick, and Jess owns her sick mind.
A/N: I received "Peter Pan" for Easter and just decided that maybe I could do a better job.
Dedications: Kendra. Just because she's plain amazing and this is my lame, cheesy attempt to make her feel better.

I. You Do Believe, Right?

Patrick Stump was laid out on his bed, snoozing happily in his Chicago home. The day had been rough in the studio, and Pete...well Pete wouldn't shut up. And when Pete Wentz won't shut up, you're stuck with the biggest migraine of a lifetime (Patrick had found this out the hard way). When Patrick had came home, he hit the sack almost instantly. His sleep was so deep that he didn't even notice the two figures sitting on his windowsill.

"Ryan, where do you think it is?" A whisper filled the still room.

"In the dresser drawer? You really think so?" The same voice questioned.

"Okay, let's check, but promise to be quiet?"

The figures stepped into the dark room, crawling very feline-like across the floor.

"Ugh, shadow? Where are you?" The mysterious stranger whispered. "Ryan, if I can't find my shadow, I swear I'll go insa-" The intruder was cut off by a loud thud caused by the bumping of a desk and the fall of an acoustic guitar which had been propped up against it. Patrick stirred in his sleep, eyelids fluttering open.

"Hm?" Patrick mumbled sleepily. Noticing the guitar on the floor, Patrick cocked an eyebrow.

"That's strange..." Patrick mumbled slowly getting up. "I don't remember leaving that there." As Patrick propped his guitar back up against the dresser, he rubbed his eyes, desperately trying to adjust them to the darkness of his bedroom. Patrick turned and headed back to his bed, but was halted as he caught sight of movement from the corner of his eye. Turning his head, Patrick saw nothing.

'I'm just paranoid,' Patrick thought climbing back into his bed. As Patrick's mind decided to take a trip to dreamland, Patrick head something that sounded like the scurrying of feet. As Patrick's eyes snapped open, not only was Patrick to find he was right in his assumptions, but also that there was the disturbing presence of another body ontop of his own. Looking into the stranger's eyes, Patrick screamed. The eye's of the stranger's filled with panic at Patrick's screams and covered his mouth with his hand.

'Oh my God,' Patrick mind yelled, 'this guy is going to kill me!'

"Shush shush shush!" The stranger demanded. "Are you trying to wake up the whole city?" Patrick's brows furrowed as his mouth shut behind the hand.

"Pete? What the hell are you doing?" Patrick asked as he recognized the body ontop of his own was none other than his best friend, Pete Wentz dressed in a very ill-looking green. "And what are you wearing?"

"Pete?" Pete scoffed. "It's Peter, Peter Pan." Patrick stared at Pete, blank expression on face, waiting to see if maybe Pete was joking. Noting that Pete's facial features weren't budging, Patrick began to feel a bit uncomfortable. Usually Pete was weird, but this was just a little bit too outrageous.

"Um, okay. Well, what are you doing in my room?" Patrick asked. Pete looked around quickly before huffing,

"God Ryan, where'd you go?" Patrick's eyes widened.

"You dragged Ross into this?" Patrick hissed in annoyance. Not only was it bad enough that Pete had snuck into Patrick's bedroom at some ungodly hour after being a total spaz in the studio, but now he decided to bring Panic!At The Disco's guitarist into this as well? God he was going to kill Pete.

"Ross? Who's that? My pixie's name is Ryan," Pete corrected. "Ryan?" Pete called again, getting up to a standing position over Patrick's body. Patrick saw a flash of blue light hover over Patrick's bed and into the open palm of Pete.

'This has to be a dream. This is just...too weird. Maybe I should start screaming again,' just as these thoughts ran through Patrick's mind, Pete displayed the blue light on his palm to Patrick. As Patrick curiously looked, his jaw dropped. In Pete's palm was not only a blue fairy, but that fairy was none other than Ryan Ross.

"You turned Ryan into a fairy?!" Patrick almost shouted. Pete rolled his eyes.

"No, of course not. He's a pixie, duh," Pete stated like it was the most logical thing in the world. The same blank stare as before found it's way back to Patrick's face, modeling it off to Pete.

"So, the real reason I'm here is because I can't find my shadow. You see, it left me last night when I was in here and now I can't find it." Patrick's mind was buzzing with thought.

'So he's been in here before? Oh my God, my bassist is a lunatic....are those Jenae's tights?'

"So have you seen it?" Pete asked. Patrick shook his head.

"N-no," he stuttered out. Pete pouted.

"What am I going to do without it?" Pete murmured. The blue "pixie" Ryan that had been in Pete's hand suddenly buzzed with excitement in front of Pete's face.

"What's that Ryan?" Pete asked. "Really, you see it? Where?" Pete asked jumping off of Patrick's bed (much to the relief of Patrick). Patrick wearily watched the maniac he was forced to call his best friend frantically search around the floor before pouncing onto the carpet, apparently fighting with something. As Pete apparently won the fight, Patrick was horrified to find Pete trying to stick what looked like a wriggling shadow Pete to the soles of his shoes.

"Oh holy shit. You've got to be kidding me," Patrick moaned dreadfully. Pete stood up, walking towards the only wall that was illuminated by the moonlight, modeling off the shadow.

"Just as perfect as ever," Pete mused, looking at the shadow in different poses.

'He may have lost his mind, but he's still as arrogant and full of himself as before,' Patrick grumbled in his head.

"Hey Ryan, what do you say we take Patrick with us back home?" Pete asked. Patrick's eyes widened.

"Pete, you live like an hour away," Patrick protested. Pete rolled his eyes.

"It's Peter," Pete corrected, "and all you have to do is go to the second star to the right. Besides, we'll be flying so we'll be there before you know it!" Pete argued.

"Okay, no. Pete, we need to get you to a doctor first thing in the morning. Hell, I can cal lone over right now if you really want, but we are not flying. You are not Peter Pan!" Patrick barked because this was seriously getting out of hand.

"Ryan, dust him," Pete ordered. Ryan flew over Patrick's head, sprinkling blue dust over him.

"C'mon, just think happy thoughts," Pete suggested as he began to levitate. Patrick gave up. He figured this was just a dream so he might as well enjoy it while it lasted. Patrick began to think of Warped Tour '06, Amanda Palmer, and Star Wars, and before he knew it, he was in the air. Pete smiled in satisfaction.

"Holy shit!" Patrick screeched. "This is real!" Pete giggled and grabbed Patrick's hand, dragging him out the window. As the two began to silently soar through the Chicago sky, Patrick's brows furrowed.

'I thought this is the part where some corny song starts to play,' Patrick thought. He shrugged the thought off. Maybe it was better without it. I mean, it would just make things ten times more awkward than it already was.

"There it is," Pete said pointing to a particularly bright star, "the Second Star to the Right. Here we go!"
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