(no subject)

Jan 25, 2012 03:41

A week or so Spike started acting like he was sick. This has come and gone before and he would be back to eating and following mom around in a day or so. Last week mom finally took him to the vet because he wouldnt even eat hamburger and rice. The vet diagnosed him with pancreatitis and gave him IV fluids and special food. I was worried about him but I thought he would be ok. Spike didn't really get better. He still didn't want to eat. Yesterday morning dad took him to a specialist. They did and ultrasound and found tumors. He has cancer in his adrenal glands that has spread to his spleen. There's nothing we can do. He is going to die soon
I went to mom and dad's yesterday. Spike didn't want to eat or drink or move. He just laid on his bed
He is 13. I know that's old but I just assumed he would be around for at least a few more years because that's how long our other dogs have lived. I can't imagine life without Spike

I got him for my tenth birthday. My parents made me go to summer camp on my birthday which i was pissed about. They told me I could pick out a puppy when I got back. After camp we spent a few days on lake toxiway then came home. As a kid I had lots of little niches all over the house of objects that I had arranged just so. Before I had left for camp I had my little wooden horse stables arranged on the floor in the living room and when we got home I immediately zeroed in on the fact that they had been moved. While I spazzed out about that mom and dad brought in a big box wrapped with orange sparkly wrapping paper and blue bow that had "its a boy" written on it.
I opened it and there was Spike.

I have loved him and he has loved me unconditionally for 13 years.
I would gladly trade a year of my life for one of hisMy first ever email address was spike122711@aol.com, my name on here is spike0313. I use some form of "spike" on various other websites
He's my little buddy, my little dude. Spikey, Fike, Spikels, Weiner boy, Spikarooni, Doodle, big fella, Mr. Brown, J doodle the dachshund dog. He's Spike W. Longfellow on his AKC papers because I was 10 and thought the name on the papers was just the dog's formal name.

Last night before I went to sleep I got down on my knees and prayed. I prayed to any god that would listen and asked for Spike to get his appetite back so he can enjoy treats before he goes.
I went to see him today and he had perked up a little bit. He was eating and drinking. I took him outside to pee and he even lifted his leg then walked around and wagged his tail at me. He even gave me a lick on the face and I don't even care how terrible his breath is. Dad carved up a chicken to cook for dinner and gave Spike the kidneys. I started the dogs on that raw diet a few years ago and you will never see a dog happier than when they are gnawing on a raw chicken drumstick. Spike has a big barrel chest so he couldn't hold it with his paws to chew it so it always took him longer to eat than Jessie.
After dinner tonight I was eating Americone Dream icecream and I let him lick some off my spoon. He went crazy for it. When I finished I let him lick out the mug. After that I watched TV with dad with Spike on my lap. Spike fell asleep and spent an hour snoring and farting.
Today it was almost like he wasn't sick. It was like he was going to get better and be fine. But he won't. He's not going to get better. He's not going to recover. I could go over tomorrow and he could be on death's door. I will not euthanize him. I cannot do that again. I cannot stand that. I cannot purposely kill my dog. I cannot watch the life drain from his body. But I want to be there with him when it happens. I want to hold him and scratch his chest and let him know how much I love him and that I'm there. I don't want him to die without me there
I just don't want him to die. I dont think I will be able to stand it.


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