Sep 16, 2006 19:30

Oh... oh my goodness gracious! What a cornucopia I have stumbled upon!!

I shall outline a bit more about Buckethead's performance. He was playing with That One Guy, and would sometimes do the Michale Myers patomime as if he were creeped out or overwhelmed by his playing. Buckethead had a bucket full of little children's toys he passed out to the crowd. Buckethead had a rubber chicken he would tantalize us with, holding it just out of reach as everyone tried to touch it as if it were the most beautiful thing ever. Buckethead did The Robot and twirled nunchucks a bit. Apparently it is also customary for fans to bring action figures and try to give them to Buckethead. I wondered why that guy next to me was holding one; now I know.

I visited Bucketheadland. Seriously. I'm such a fan now.

Some gems:
Most theme parks have maps. Not Bucketheadland. Here people like to get lost and not find their way out. Sometimes you pay for a day and get to stay a whole month! When you come stumbling out, dirty and disoriented, you won't quite realize what a great deal you just got.

Hungry folks at Bucketheadland are lucky indeed, because we serve the most delicious and creepy confections this side of Willy Wonka's Chocolate Factory.
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