oh noz!!!

Aug 23, 2006 23:33

As you probably haven't noticed, I'm not keeping up with my friends list anymore. My apologies, but I developed the LJ habit while I had a nice cushy 40-60 hr work week ^-^ I'll scan my f-list from time to time, but I hope no one's offended if I've missed entries.

So... I can't remember if I made a big post about it or not? I'm not doing M1. I'm not, in fact, taking any medical school classes this semester. I'm pretty sure I wrote about this. Anyway, had the first Biochem class today which was okay. We'll see how that goes. We're supposed to spend most of our time doing rotations and figuring out who we want to PhD with.

Now things get interesting...
I was one of three lucky, lucky people (out of 30 or so) who didn't place with any of the people they'd selected for lab rotations. O-o What's more, I hadn't paid much attention to/skipped (when two talks were going on at once) most of the biochem profs. I'm interested in biochem as a tool and from a knowledge standpoint, but I'm pretty sure I don't want my PhD to be in hard biochem. Buuuuut apparently everyone else had the same thing in mind! ... and only biochem profs were left for us non-placers to choose from and rotate with XP After mildly freaking out (my brain was saying "don't freak out", the rest of me was convinced I'd be stuck in some place for 5 weeks where the prof would be disgusted by my lack of hard chem background, mostly based on the vibe I got from the bioinformatics people I talked with during interviews, who were kind of like "you haven't done tons of stats..? Why are you talking to me...?"). Anyway, the profs turned out to be very nice, and what not. One of them... kinda snatched me. Which I am fine with! He's working on NF-kappa-B, a transcription factor, and my work with Nrf2 comes in handy here as they're kinda-sorta-not-really similar systems :P So he was just kind of like "you're rotating with me!!!!". I'm quite down with being wanted :) So, normally in rotations students don't do all that much research, more learn the lay of the lab and maybe some techniques and what not, but since I know most all of the proceedures thanks to my NIDA stint (woot!), I've got an independent research project. Hahahaha, so, I get to see just what I can do in a new lab in 5 weeks @-@ Craziness, but also awesome!

... time to go read review papers!
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