Thoughtcrime does not entail death: thoughtcrime IS death.

Jun 29, 2010 19:44

Because somehow I decided that reading through some of the rules for Pensacola Christian College was a good idea.

Highlights include:

'For White Glove weekend: "Men may wear jeans and collared shirts to breakfast this Saturday, [date of white glove], because of White Glove. Stone washed or acid washed denim should not be worn. Students must change immediately after breakfast."'

'It should be noted that at any time, the administration (or students authorized by the administration) may go through your room, unannounced, looking for anything unauthorized. Legally or not, this will include opening drawers and going through paperwork. You may or may not be present, and you may or may not be notified.'

'After bed-time ("lights out:" 11:00 every day, including weekends) you may receive demerits for talking, taking your contacts out, having your feet on the floor (or possibly suspended a few inches from the floor), being in the bathroom, or basically doing anything but lying in bed.'

'No local calls over 30 minutes.' (Because goodness knows if you go over thirty minutes, Satan and his devils will have enough time to crawl through your phone line.)

'You may not have: television, personal stereo (walkman), microwave, fans, skillets, hot plate, coffee pot, electric blanket, extra furniture, or a living pet (also presumably includes a "dead" pet - not clear whether this includes pet rocks or plants) of any kind.'

'You may not put up a picture of unmarried people in physical contact unless they are "little kids." (these are sold in the bookstore).'

'As stated in the Student Handbook, leaving campus is a "privilege;" one which the administration will revoke as they see fit.'

'There are a myriad of restaurants the students are not allowed to go to, although faculty and staff frequent them (more specifics on campus).'

'You may not interact with a student of the opposite sex in any way off-campus without prior approval and an approved chaperone.'

'Each gender must use segregated stairways, elevators and in some cases, sidewalks.

There is to be no physical contact between students of the opposite sex, except perhaps on some "dating outings," where hand-holding games are played.

The official rule on "indirect contact" is unknown. It is much talked about, but unevenly enforced. This includes such things as tugging on a coat, poking with a pencil, etc.

Siblings of the opposite sex should not interact in unchaperoned areas to abstain from the "appearance of evil."'

'There is to be NO...

Horseplay. This is completely subjective and can be for anything from loudness to throwing a pillow.

"Indirect Horseplay." This appears to be watching "horseplay" from a distance without doing anything to stop it/being entertained by it.

Lying or any form of deception (widely interpreted and applicable only to students).' (Emphasis mine.)

'Finally there is IMPROPER PROCEDURE, which is a catch-all for anything you do which they don't want you to do, but hadn't thought of making it a rule yet.'

And, of course:

'You may not go to a public library.'

I can only assume that last rule is to prevent students from learning the meaning of the word 'totalitarian'.

P.S. A few actually made me burst out laughing:

'You may not allow the end of your belt to hang down from the belt-loops resembling a phallus.'

'You may not wipe "boogers" on the wall. This is being cracked down on.'
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