Apr 15, 2021 21:42
On this Throwback Thursday in the midst of my Throwback Few-Weeks of journal reading, I just found a Word document in my Google Drive containing the story of my first kiss. And it is so sickeningly sweet I can't even handle my own cuteness.
The file name is "Epic tales."
No, I was not 13 years old, I was 26. I was VERY late to board the romance train, guys. If you knew me prior to 2010, you know I was painfully shy and so this was a HUGE step for me.
Here are my favorite snippets:
We both had the day off, and we were going to see It's a Wonderful Life at a movie theater in Indianapolis that night. I got on the task of making myself adorable... which ended up taking a long time because I was being lazy. And so when he arrived I was still working on my hair. It was still wet and I looked like a drowned rat wearing a Nintendo t-shirt and sweatpants when I answered the door. He cracked up and was like, "I figured you'd still be getting ready."
I played a Christmas playlist I had made on my iPod, and we sang along... yes, even to Barbra Streisand. :) When we hit a stoplight on the way into town, I gave him kind of a silly shy look and he was like, "What?" And I leaned over and kissed him on the cheek. He laughed and told me it was cute. Then that became the pattern for the rest of the night; we had to kiss anytime we hit a stoplight.
After the movie, while we were waiting for the crowd to move in front of us so we could leave the theater, I hinted that he could kiss me. (Because I had told him that I'd give him the go-ahead when I was ready to let him kiss me.) He's like, "Right now?" I'm like, "No, whenever you want to. But..." And I'm not sure if he really got the hint then.
As we got on the escalator to go back downstairs, I hinted again that he could kiss me. I still wasn't sure if he was getting it that I meant KISS me kiss me, not just a peck on the cheek. haha
When we got to an elevator that is right next to some huge windows, I noticed that it had started snowing. But not just snowing... SNOWING. Snow, everywhere. Big white flakes. The gorgeous kind.
And I remembered that in high school, when talking about my first kiss, I had told Busso that I thought it'd be amazing if I got my first kiss outside in the snow.
And so I tried to bring it up to Joe, but I got so shy that I couldn't. But he kept asking me what I was trying to tell him, so I eventually did get it out. And he was like, "Oh really?! Is that a hint?" And I was like, "Mayyyyybe..."
At this point, it was BARELY snowing. Just tiny, tiny flakes, and only sporadically. I made a comment about how I couldn't believe he didn't take me up on my hints earlier and kissed me when we were downtown and it was really snowing. He was like, "Hey, it's still snowing!" I said, "Barely!!" And then I was like, "Offer revoked. You can't kiss me now." He got a little worked up. "WHAT?! You can't do that!" "I can do whatever I please!" "Are you serious?!?!" At which point I laughed and said, "No, I'm not serious. You still can," and walked ahead of him to the car.
Then I felt him rush up behind me and put his arms completely around my waist to stop me, and then turned me around to face him. I laughed and said, "Really? You're going to kiss me in a Steak n Shake parking lot?" And he's like, "Yes, is that alright?" "Sure."
After he kissed me... I definitely got in a really slaphappy mood. And before I walked the rest of the way to my car, I'm pretty sure I thanked him (a la Rory Gilmore, if you've seen that episode of Gilmore Girls), and then I definitely gave him a high five. Not even kidding. He started cracking up... and then I started cracking up. And I am basically the biggest dork to ever live.
If you know the story, you know it didn't last very long. We dated for a couple of months, and I haven't had any dates or relationships that I was that excited about since. But I think that's part of why the story is so sweet to me... I'm still in that place where I was ahead of my first kiss, waiting for something great to come along. And it was so exciting when it did.