Blast from the past.

Jan 26, 2008 15:49

What 12-year-old Allison would have to say about recent events (the following will include various words/phrases often used by Allison between the ages of 12-15, around 1996-1999):

jeepers!! Heath Ledger died!! I can't believe it. he was sooooo hot. he was in HEAPS UPON HEAPS of my favorite movies. he was the bomb. the bomb DIGGITY! 10 Things I Hate About You!! I mean, come on! great movie!! isn't that sooooo sad? that's what I'm sayin!!!

so all of this politics stuff. PUH. people talk about it too much. it's so boring! I'm like just shup already! SHUP! geez oh pete. I don't know who I would vote for if I could vote. my mom says republicans only care about rich people, so I'll prolly vote for a democrat. which one is a democrat? OH bill clinton's wife. I always liked him... he seems like a nice guy. I'll prolly vote for her. she's prolly nice too.

I saw this guy at work the other day. SO CUTE! he wouldn't like me though. oh well I like him. he's a cutie patootie. he has spiky brown hair!!!! the best kind! w/ gel!!! what a hottie.

oh and JINKIES my foot has hurt lately and I don't know why. I don't! it's so weird. I prolly should go to the doctor but I don't want to. I don't like being poked at. by the way my doctor is a hottie!! for an old guy. well he isn't that old. he's as old as my mom though. too old to be a hottie. but still. whatever!!

my BESTEST-BEST FRIEND Steph says I need to come visit her. she's married now (golly gee!!!! married! she's so old!) and lives in MICHIGAN. who would want to live in michigan? I like Indiana. I think I'll live here my w hole life. maybe next door to my grandma. t hey have an empty field next to their house, I could build one there. that'd be fun. I've always wanted to live in town. the country is BORINGGGGGG. puh.

PUH is a word my friend Ashley (aka Cletus Kadiddlehopper... inside joke LOL) and I came up with in 6th grade. she's so funny!! it basically means that you're disgusted by something. like instead of ew or gross. PUH. or if something is annoying. or dumb.

my friends are so TOOL. ISN'T THAT RIGHT, JON? how do you spell JIM? I'll fix you with my hammer!!! HAMMA HAMMA HAMMA!!!!!!

we'll keep that one in the trapezoid.

ya know what's the dumbest word EVER? "sweet". it's so stupid! people are idiots that say "sweet" all the time. I will NEVER say that. they sound so dumb!

did I talk about the cute boy at work yet? HE'S SO CUTE. he talked to me the other day. he said hi!! HEHE! I was like YOU'RE THE BOMB DIGGITY!! except I didn't say that. I'm too shy. HEHEHEEE.

did I say Heath Ledger was hot? he had long blonde hair. that's pretty gross. but so did Jack in Titanic and he was CUTE!!!! so I guess that's ok. but spiky brown is the best!!! w/ gel in it! +4 hottie points to the cute boy with the spiky brown hair at work!!! he's cuter than the guy in the green shirt. well ok no but he doesn't like me. soooo I'm like PUH ON HIM.





(Picture those last two lines handwritten, with a purposefully horrible 2-year-old rendition of a cat next to it.)

grandpa f, high school, titanic, mom, my childhood, jael, politics, stephanie, kohl's, grandma f

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