(no subject)

Feb 22, 2006 18:07

ahem.. excuss me...

to whom it may concern *those whom actually visit their friends pages, ratehr than looking at their friends page everytime* , my journal is undergoeing some very strenuous renovations.. but eventually.. it should look like this.. http://testpage02.livejournal.com/ . so.... hold your pants on.. and wait until im finished... cause first of all i have to get a photobucket.com account.. so i can use the pictures i need to use.. :-\ anyhoo.. mucho work to do tonight.. test in anatomy, quiz in anatomy, quiz in math, *cough* quiz in german? *cough* why must they all feel the need to quiz, test, poke and prod us (they're students).. they get payed to come to school.. all we recieve is a step up in soceity.. what a bummer..

and also to whom it may concern..
THE MUSICAL "PREVEIW" WENT GREAT YOU GUYS!! it looks really nice-- ill be ther on saturday-- see u all there!! good luck tomorrow

hmm.. well.. i better be off.. lots to do.. *heh..heh...*


p.s. mr.lewsis also taunted me with the "big plans for u next year" speach.. but that sad part is.. i already knew it was coming..

p.s.s. i think im in love.. ask me later. :-D
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